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Big Question: Will Trump oversee a crash in America similar to 1929?

It’s looking more and more like at least one of these scenarios is about to play out (Biden stepping down or being pushed out by the DNC). It’s also becoming increasingly more likely that Donald Trump will return to the White House regardless. For now it appears that Biden wants to cling to his position, but even if he is replaced there’s not a Democrat candidate yet that has the numbers to prevail in November. And if you think election fraud will be a factor, don;t forget that the votes have to be close in order to rig the outcome.
What happens when Biden walks away? All of that economic rigging disappears, and then the real data comes out while Trump is in office. Maybe WWIII kicks off, too. And guess who will be blamed? The fingers will point at Trump, but they will also point at YOU.
I think there is a strong chance he will oversee a crash similar to 1929. He will do everything he can to print and smooth it over (as he did in March of 2020).
He's a mob attractor!