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Sick of the New York Times crossword puzzle or maybe just the NYT in general? I would like to present the first (correct me if I'm wrong) SN crossword puzzle, featuring the world's smallest UTXO as a reward.
If you can solve this crossword, and then interpret the results through the puzzle at the bottom, you'll have the seed phrase to the last sats from my Phoenix wallet (moved to a new wallet). There is one 500 sat UTXO in there. The first person to prove that they have access to that wallet by broadcasting a transaction or some other on-chain signing get* the 1000 sat bounty. All this to say, you really don't get anything, but it should be really fun if you like crosswords/puzzles. At the least, this should be more fun/ethical/zappy than doing the NYT games.
1 - What you’d like to do to the fiat system 7 - Resident of Australia 8 - Sly signal 9 - A tender cut, this one will be hard for Brits 9.5 - Too violent for me, rated M 11 - A title of increased controversy 13 - Don’t do this with the seed phrase if you beat the crossword 14 - You did this to your draft card 15 - My ear likes to hear one, my ear also has one 15.5 - GOAT but better 16 - heart of the castle 18 - part of both the S&P 500 and military industrial complex 20 - result of impact 22 - The ibis and the wolverine both work for one of these 23 - product of destructive distillation 24 - one of twenty-four, and it’s not a word in your seed phrase 25 - out to sea! 26 - many PSAs about this in the 90s 29 - as the fed is to debasement, these folks can be to research 30 - southern “delicacy”
1 - one of 43’s nicknames inverted and spelled out 2 - what I can’t do with fools 3 - don’t confuse us with ice-picks 4 - the food, not the number 5 - hippies might hug me 6 - what brings us all together on stacker news 7 - the name who told me tinnitus was permanent 10 - an mp3 of this should play for every zap 11 - another name for motorcycle 12 - what the IRS does to my taxes when I try to pay in bitcoin 13.5 - silent sound 14 - the only thing my mouth and shoe share in common 15 - if you say this verb slowly enough, it sounds like something you might say while admiring a Picasso 17 - Bitcoiners are sometimes into a philosophy that refers to these as turnings 19 - synonym of 15 down but much more dramatic 21 - world’s most popular epitaph 27 - get out of the way! 28 - the toy that taught me my first physics lessons
you can figure out the seed phrase and order if you: do (4) what (4) the (6) knights (4) think (7) crazy (6) ensigns (6, e-k) risk (6) for (7) every (6, e-e) righteous (3) scholar (6) .
You don't get the bounty for just solving the puzzles. You'll need to somehow prove access to the wallet. There are red herrings.
*I paid over 600 sats in fees to get it in there so you'll probably need to make a one sat transaction, idk, if you can solve these puzzles, you're probably smart enough to sign something from that wallet cheeply/freely
1,000 sats paid
jasonb's bounties
OK, I now know of at least two people who have figured out the seed phrase but still haven't collected the bounty! Here's a quick tutorial of signing a message with Sparrow if you'd rather do that than try to move the sats.
I keep forgetting about this! After work I gotta try again.
It would actually be affordable to drain the wallet today too!
Woo! My first bounty on SN I think haha
if you gave me 1000 sats to read this I wouldnt, seems to much thinking :D
I don’t blame you!
Good Luck!
Hey, if you're still working on this, I just wanted to give you a head up that I've digitized the crossword puzzle. I hope that helps.
That helped! Crossword is solved.. now to figure out the rest
Nice!! Good luck!
Awesome! Good luck!
I figured, you win bitcoin and get to do some bitcoiny stuff as part of beating the overall meta-puzzle. Also, the gaming territory seems to be pretty video game-centric. I'm trying to figure out a way to make an online version so you guys don't have to print it out next time if I do this again. Maybe then it will be more video-gamey. It looks like @itsrealfake even wrote out the board by hand, which is pretty hardcore!
Just a heads up, while you've got a combination of right and wrong answers here, I feel compelled to let you know that both 14 across and down are wrong. I'm only giving that hint because your responses on those are really good, and in the case of 14 across, even better than the correct crossword response.
Thanks, I’ll check ‘em out!
Hey, if you're still working on this, I just wanted to give you a head up that I've digitized the crossword puzzle. I hope that helps.
I'm trying to get it right, I hope I will
Best of luck!
Hey, if you're still working on this, I just wanted to give you a head up that I've digitized the crossword puzzle. I hope that helps.
We need more of these especially on those slow sundays.
Hey, if you're still working on this, I just wanted to give you a head up that I've digitized the crossword puzzle. I hope that helps.
It was fun to make. If somebody solves it, I’ll probably try another one.
Whoever figures this out should send the sats to the bacon(*) wallet, just to keep the fun going.
(*) bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon is a valid seed.
Woah! I can’t wait to get into this thing and see its transaction history.
Surprisingly only 28 transactions. You'd think that bitcoin and bacon would be an unbeatable mach, but apparently no. :)
If only I was wealthy enough to donate a bunch of cash to the inevitable bots that monitor that wallet all day long.
Woah! Looks like I was really right about the bots. Almost every deposit in that wallet looks like it was withdrawn the very minute that it was verified.
I tried but I don’t really have the neck for puzzles I prefer riddles
Hey, if you're still working on this, I just wanted to give you a head up that I've digitized the crossword puzzle. I hope that helps.
This is like a scavenger hunt and it’s very exciting!
Hey, if you're still working on this, I just wanted to give you a head up that I've digitized the crossword puzzle. I hope that helps.
Thank you! I actually haven’t had a chance to start it, been too busy, but this will help!
Thanks! I was starting to wonder if anyone was actually going to really give it a try. Lol
Cool idea. Not to burst your bubble but it is a bit hard to follow this puzzle in this format clicking back and forth from pic (then enlarging) and back to the clues and then keeping track of answers.
Yeah, I think anybody that wants to do it will need to print it out and do on paper.
Haha! Don’t make me pull out the ultra-judgy low time preference language!
Hey, if you're still working on this, I just wanted to give you a head up that I've digitized the crossword puzzle. I hope that helps.
Hey, if you're still working on this, I just wanted to give you a head up that I've digitized the crossword puzzle. I hope that helps.