Here's the start of a song or a poem that I wrote not too long ago...
This love got me like… Fuck all these feelings I really don’t need em raising these ceilings so high we don’t see em Life has no meaning you gave me a reason first it was great but you changed with the season heart has been broken okay I’m still breathing yeah it’s all pain but at least I still feel it Dreaming of you from the AM to PM But you are not here and you don’t even DM I carry on yeah you know carpe diem
Sorry to hear about your situation. But I do hope that you will love again, and trust again. Any hate and/or resentment you carry hurts nobody else but you. Grieve, self-isolate if necessary, don't forget, but do forgive. You will be forgiving yourself first and foremost :)
“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” ― Rumi