Hi - its me again.....Rant to follow :)
If Bitcoin is a new monetary system why in the world do all you "Bitcoiners" offer discounts in FIAT terms?
I mean if we want to onboard the next wave of freaking users to the network, and have them all buy into all the reasons that our beloved bitcoin is so much freaking better than their dirty little FIAT shitcoins....offer them some real value, offer them a share of the future price of the bitcoin they are exchanging with you for your product, or service or whatever widget, gadget, fidget thingamajiggy!!!
Someone needs to develop the app that does this automatically - and you will literally have the entire Bitcoin ecosystem using your service (BTCpayserver....I am talking to you) - or wait...you are just in it for the Bitcoin in your own pocket now? Do something even better and bigger for the network! Mutiny Wallet...Zapstream....Fedi...Cashu???
Why do I want to buy something from you for 10%-20%-30% less in FIAT terms if I use my Bitcoin - when it is the same Bitcoin that you are telling me is going to change my world and it could happen any day...any bull run...after some halving...after some adoption by a sovereign nation....after, after, after....
Put your Bitcoin were your mouth is....and offer me something better than a stinking FIAT savings....offer me a share of the future FIAT price appreciation of that Bitcoin you are trying to get me to use? If you really want to build the network give me the opportunity to share in that "god candle" over some period of time into the future....maybe if its a large FIAT equivalent amount of BTC you offer me a longer time frame or a larger % of the appreciation....and if its a transaction for a few FIAT pieces of paper you make it a smaller % or a shorter time frame....or whatever you need to based on market conditions....
I don't know who needs to read this....but I am a fucking dumbass that cant write code, and I don't have money coming out of my ass to pay a developer to put this together in an app..... it screams to me that it could be done on lightning and/or in a fedimint or cashu/ecash service....or hell even on the protocol level for larger transactions....imagine Saylor buying his next yacht with a BTC payment to (whovever makes fucking yachts) and he can recoup 25% of the appreciated value of that bitcoin for 1 or 2 years after he sends them the 200 Million equivalent in BTC??? I think he would be much more inclined to part with some of his stack....
Fuck me - rant over -
I love you all!!! Keep fucking building!!!
Does fiat really have any incentive? I don't believe in fiat and not in any fiat manipulations.
Good point - FIAT users certainly would say a discount on the price would be an incentive....or those BOGO "deals" ....I bet there were not a lot of "coupons" back on in the day when the world was on a Gold Standard :)
Sorry - just gotta add a little more about this incentive structure....
The structure I suggest we move to....doesn't just offer the % share for some random time period....but this incentive encourages people to learn more about Bitcoin and to explore the other use cases for Bitcoin....its the flywheel effect....as their incentive gets better as the network gets stronger....the network gets stronger as its use increases...its use increases as their incentives get better.....repeat, repeat, repeat....
It isn't just about HODL, HODL, HODL....it becomes a reinfocing feedback loop of use, learn, develop, benefit, use learn, develop, benefit :)
Thank you....