I would guess that they lose control over the disputed territories.
It really blows my mind that so many people do not see how there is no way they can defeat Russia. Now, if NATO escalates, sure but then we are talking about WW3. I'm sorry, that's a nonstarter for me.
I know governments are corrupt. The US is amazingly good compared to many. You cannot tell me that Ukraine's government is not full of corruption. The fact that they have been told this by NATO in the past should be enough.
These two countries need to learn to get along, but I fear the US is just using the Ukrainian people like they did with Afghanistan. If that is true, its incredibly evil. This is also incredibly evil when you consider Europeans will be the first to suffer. The US is way off on the other side of the world. It is just so wicked.
It really feels like that jerk you probably know that starts fights. He knows this big bully's trigger. He triggers him to attack. Then he backs off and lets someone else take the hits.
In this scenario there are two bad guys. The bully, and the instigator. That is what this conflict looks like to me.
this territory is moderated
You just described basic US foreign policy, rince and repeat people don't have enough attention span to notice the never ending racket. They will wake up when conscription will be back, oh wait it is already back
Afghanistan is a good example but the two situations are completely different
Afghanistan was defense and home field advantage
Russia is familiar with the terrain in Ukraine and Ukraine is playing defense and offense
For sure. That wasn't my point. My point was motive. Not battlefield.
I know. I understand.
I completely forgot about Afghanistan until I read your comment