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I find it very hard to believe that this man isn't a puppet for the US state department(deep state). This is based on the nonsense that went on with the State dept during Obama's admin.
The neocons are deeply embedded in state and they are still fighting the cold war. This war machine needs wars. Putin is an evil ruler, no question. It just seems like the US is preventing peace/compromise/discussion for the sole purpose of the benefit of the US war machine.
It has been said by US politicians that this war is greatly benefiting the US mil contractors / our economy. This was one defense when there was push back on the cost of the war.
The US did this in Afghanistan against the USSR. The CIA funded the "freedom fighters" to bleed the USSR. It worked quiet well. That is until the monster they created turned on the US on 9/11.
The victims in this conflict are the plebs in both nations. We have to get out of this black and white, bad guy, good guy mind trap. When it comes to nation state warfare there is almost NEVER a good guy. There are bad guys using the brave soldiers as fodder for their empires.