An NGO called Motiv is helping this poor Peruvian town turn around.
The tool it uses to move funds, bank the unbanked and change people’s lives is Bitcoin.
I visited in September last year. Here’s an insight from my experience there. Blew me away.
please check my Youtube for more, similar (ish) content.
The pace is a little slower here but I'm still finding my voice.
Send sats to Motiv here:
Send sats to me by (lol you know what to do, zap this theng)
Amazing! This is inspiring!
Bitcoin is exactly what most African countries need for a spark of change
African and Latin American!! :D
Great story, encouraging to see bitcoin in action. Thank you.
why are there shitcoins on the donation page, and why is there no lightning donation (on the website), while the entire village is using lightning.
Good work Joe - I mentioned this before, but it would be wonderful if Motiv set up a full verification node in these communities in order to level the local knowledge base up a notch. Some of those kids might be interested in learning how to manage the node and the open source OS behind it on top of guitar lessons. A local Lightning node would likely follow if things really catch on. In a few years time, we might have a few Peruvian stackers from Quebrada Verde joining us here on @sn.
This story delivers much more value and hope for the future than any ETF and Wall St. adoption.
There is now Peru's first ever lightning node which came online a few days ago set up by a Peruvian.
I would probs get in the way as a middleman but could you try to reach out to Motiv with your idea?
Done. I reached out to with this proposal and added that I would fund the equipment purchase for the first (or the next) full verification hardware node. Let's see where this goes.
Truly inspiring. Good job👍
Keep up this amazing movement Joe! You travel to all corners of the world to help out the under/unbanked get access to the most priceless asset on eart!
ess asset on eart! Yessir!
Great video. Thanks Joe.