Which card did you choose?
I saw this chart in a Vsauce video and spruced it up. https://m.stacker.news/38528
This data set represents "verbal accessibility." There are slight differences in the data between naming a card and visualizing one, which is interesting.
  • verbal accessibility, how likely it is chosen when asked to name a card;
  • visual accessibility, how likely it is chosen when asked to visualize a card.
Blue is verbal, green is visual.
I picked spades :)
Not unexpected that the Ace of Spades and Queen of hearts are the most cited cards. Both have significant pop cultural references.
current playing card decks are a primitive version of the original tarot. the tarot deck is like a book of memes based on astrotheology, a kind of torah for kids, designed to be closely studied with kabbalah (hebrew for "reception" [of knowledge]).
13 diamonds - earth - pentacles (spring-taurus) 13 spades - air - swords (winter-aquarius) 13 hearts - water - cups (fall-scorpio) 13 clubs - fire - wands (summer-leo)
  • 56 cards of minor arcana (13 + paige)
  • 22 cards of major arcana (11 for microcosmic tree of life, of the individual. 11 for macrocosmic tree of life, of the collective.)
earth - material realm (what we got/know) air - intellectual realm (how we think) water - emotional realm (how we feel) fire - realm of action (what we do)
inherent properties -> think -> care/feel -> act feet on the ground <---> head in the cosmos
These statistics provide a basic overview of our mind when it comes to pick of cards