Thomas Edison once said, "Strategy without execution is hallucination.”
It's an age-old question.
A debate, really!
On one side of the debate is Steve Jobs, who said:
"To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. Execution is worth millions."
On the other side of debate is John F. Kennedy, who said:
"A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance without death."
So which one wins: the idea, or the execution of the idea?
Let SN know what you're thinking ...
with respect to business an idea is worthless without proper execution.
Yes, it can be if there's an idea. If there's no idea, what would you execute?
action is required in order to manifest reality. how we think, so we feel, and then we act.
many people get stuck thinking in endless circles and never develop the will to act. even more so, they consume garbage information and do not acquire true knowledge... true knowledge is a prerequisite for proper thought.
everything start with Care (Heart).
The best answer so far! Thanks!
I think JFK is meaning something slightly different when he says 'idea.' He's invoking the symbol that is 'idea,' which I think is representing something more like ideology. I take from this quote that his meaning is more about belief. It's a strange question you ask, because one does not exist without the other. I wish I could have heard more from you about what these quotes mean.
May be I wanted to listen your explanation!
Thanks! I understand your point!
49 sats \ 2 replies \ @Mmk 7 Jul
I'm not sure those quotes represent opposing opinions. There's not anything to debate. Ideas are only thoughts about DOING something differently or novel. Action is necessary for ideas to exist.
How can we execute if there's no idea at all? Will you please elaborate.
17 sats \ 0 replies \ @Mmk 7 Jul
The luxury of thoughtful interaction is a fairly modern development, right? Before humans were intellectuals, we were just animals doing whatever nature dictated. At some point nature must have dictated that we evolve; outside of the necessity for a change in behavior an idea couldn't be. So to answer your question, without ideas, we would just execute our natural inclinations.
If you fail to execute on a good idea somebody else will and eat your lunch
True! So idea I what that is your food! Save it!
Truth is they go hand in hand. An idea is worthless without execution by someone. Doesn't need to be the person who generated the idea but someone has to make it happen.
Right! I totally agree that they go hand in hand. Thanks for the explanation. I'm surprised to see that SN is a good place to even toss some well debated subjects.
Both are important, but without proper execution, an idea is like an empty shell.
You're like Edison!
I don't know man! It's such a stuff to as what came first? I'm going with Ideas!
Ideas are more important because without an idea an execution would astray in many direction. Any execution will fail without a properly imitated idea!!
You can not have an idea without execution and You can no have an execution without an idea
So, at the end, both are important, can not be separate and necesary. It s like the 2 sides of a coin
The politician is wrong.
But to be fair ideas in politics can be more dangerous than ideas in private enterprise
Execution of ideas during the French and Bolshevik revolution often meant an actual execution by guillotine or bullets
Thanks for an elaborate answer! You mean ideas and execution can be more or less important for two different prospects?
I forgot to add, ideas 💡 can endure because they don’t cost anything. Bad ideas remain in the marketplace of ideas
Execution by far! There are so many great ideas out their are never executed upon. An idea without execution will be gone with the wind if not noted/acted upon.
The fact that you already have an idea or project in mind is already a big step, it is 50%, being able to make it happen, getting the resources is the other 50% and continuing it is the continuous work that you must maintain.
What's important is the move that puts reality into those two possibilities; neither can't exist without the other and so they can only manage to be relatable somehow
Now then for 'move', take for example the 'eureka' moment, it's usually attributed to ideas as geniuses, however that strike Archimedes had happened because of his everyday facing towards execution, or constancy for say so. These moments happens as life experience goes; what may be important is the behavior around these moments, that could being since noticing them, to get to onboard them and be critic about them...
What could also be interesting is the relations of both of them with the definition of 'work', as for withe eureka example could be argued that ideas happen when there's no execution (as when relaxing). Break times sure are important.
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