“Obsession” is a feeling that has always been labeled as bad, but honestly, in certain cases I think it is a blessing.
In general, the term "obsession" is used to describe thoughts or behaviors that are intrusive, persistent, and cause discomfort or interference with daily life. Therefore, from that perspective, obsession would not be considered "good."
However, the term "obsession" can also be used more broadly to refer to an extreme focus or dedication toward something that is deeply passionate or interesting. In this sense, it could be said that there are people who have an "obsession" with work, music, sports or any other field in which they are intensely involved.
And that is the key, getting intensely involved, when you are obsessed with achieving a goal you don't have to worry about motivation, since you enter a state of flow where you are motivated all the time and you really enjoy doing what you like.
It is not a secret that most people who have succeeded in any field have been obsessed with that field,
And that is the point you should look for, that point of obsession where every day you wake up wanting to take on the world, to become a little better than the 'me' that went to bed a few hours ago.
Obsession is the path to success.