Many video game companies of the past dissolved or seemed to have left the scene of gaming, said companies created video games that left their mark on us or that we enjoyed a lot but, said companies no longer exist or their games are not what they used to be, if you had to choose a company that could be revived, which one would it be?
I would like to revive Konami because although this company still has a video game development department, its video games are not up to par with its past games. Now it is more focused on other lines of business such as the gambling business, but specifically Japanese slot machines, pachinko.
I don't know Lucas Arts, what video games did it release?
Point and click adventures.
Full Throttle/The Dig comes to mind.
I've never heard of any of them, but as I've been documenting it seems that it was a subdivision of Lucasfilm that developed video games, I didn't know that Lucasfilm was behind Lucas Arts.
Then it is likely you are fairly young. They were huge in the 90's.
The best quest games
I've never heard of them, when did they dissolved?
This was an early RPG in the D&D genre. Came out in the '80s. The company dissolved in the '90s.
so many games and companies I don't know about... I was born in the mid-90s, lots of consoles I've missed out on too.
There is this roguelike that I think is amazing also. Not the graphics (text) but the gameplay and structure: ADOM. Very old school. I think this is not even a company but a single person made it and nothing else. Can still play.
yes, it looks pretty old school, it must be one of the first games in the roguelike genre, right? What year is the last video game you have shared?
Classic Rare of the SNES and N64 era. Nintendo was stupid to let them go.
Was this studio dissolved? What video games did they release?
They were bought out by Microsoft. They made all of the Donkey Kong Country games for the SNES and GoldenEye 007, Perfect Dark, Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo-Kazooie, etc. for the N64. They are still technically around producing games but their impact is nowhere near what they used to be.
I totally get what you're saying. If I could revive any company, it would be Sierra Entertainment for their amazing adventure games. It's sad to see Konami's shift away from their classic hits; I miss their old magic too.
There are so many companies/studios that I don't know, this is another one of them, what video games did they release?
Most notably sports games such as PES
For me its gotta be Pandemic Studios, THQ or TellTale Games
infocom, Celebrated for its interactive fiction games like Zork and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Infocom was acquired by Activision in 1986 and eventually closed in 1989.
I'm gonna be "that guy" that says NONE OF UM! IF they were worth keeping around, they'd still be here!
I have seen great family restaurants close because the lease expired and the landlord wants triple the rent because the neighborhood has gentrified, but they still have their loyal patrons who cannot absorb the much higher costs required for them to stay in business. Then a McDonalds moves in. Large corporate franchise operations have the capital to "still be here" but smaller much higher quality establishments may not survive for a multitude of reasons, but one of them is not because they are not worth keeping around.
I cannot agree more, not all companies that close do so because they were not productive or did not have a good product to offer, but because of problems that sometimes go beyond capital or because of capital itself.
It's simple really. Either people value it enough to keep it supported, or they don't.
Then people didn't value the business enough in question. They get the "worse solution".
Midway Games! NBA Jams, NFL Blitz were elite and still my go to games at barcades.
I just wish more games were created that would make people think and use their brain. I used to remember the old ninja turtles ones, you had to solve puzzles and stuff. Even the older zelda games were like that.
True, also the old Resident Evil games or even Medievil had a lot of puzzles, you were definitely playing while "breaking your head", on the other hand, nowadays people look at guides so they don't have to think a lot while playing a video game or think about how to complete a level of a video game...
A lot of games are now just point and shoot. You just zombiefy why you play them. COD can be a bit of a thinking game, but I am not a fan of the shooting games so much. I was never very good at the zelda games, but I remember they wrote up some interesting gameplay guides, and those were fun to follow along to.
I'm not a fan of shooting games either, in fact, I think there are still quite a few games of that style, but maybe they're very niche and don't have as much audience...
I dont know, maybe it is because I grew up in that generation. I remember James bond, Halo, and COD.
Top-tier realistic sims in the 1990s; it's part of the reason I joined the Air Force.
Interesting, I had never heard of this developer, but it's a good thing that it had such a positive effect on your life.
Visceral games. It developed video games such as 'James Bond 007, Lord of the Rings, the Godfather and Dead Space.'
I remember completing the entire Godfather videogame 100% until I became the Don of New York, a great video game, and the Lord of the Rings video games are fantastic, especially those on PS2, I will never forget The Lord of the Rings the two towers for PS2, majestic.