I just wish more games were created that would make people think and use their brain. I used to remember the old ninja turtles ones, you had to solve puzzles and stuff. Even the older zelda games were like that.
True, also the old Resident Evil games or even Medievil had a lot of puzzles, you were definitely playing while "breaking your head", on the other hand, nowadays people look at guides so they don't have to think a lot while playing a video game or think about how to complete a level of a video game...
A lot of games are now just point and shoot. You just zombiefy why you play them. COD can be a bit of a thinking game, but I am not a fan of the shooting games so much. I was never very good at the zelda games, but I remember they wrote up some interesting gameplay guides, and those were fun to follow along to.
I'm not a fan of shooting games either, in fact, I think there are still quite a few games of that style, but maybe they're very niche and don't have as much audience...
I dont know, maybe it is because I grew up in that generation. I remember James bond, Halo, and COD.