Personally I loved checking in every day and getting a daily reward, then I felt the need to donate. When the rewards went monthly I wandered away and I have no idea what is what.
Good question.
Just remember that the system of Stacker did change and that when things change people like me also change. Just my two sats.
When the rewards went monthly I wandered away and I have no idea what is what.
Me too. I'm not convinced that experiment was a nett positive for SN.
Many of us had criticized the monthly. Especially when it went a second month. The first month was kind of a fun idea and I wouldn’t mind if they brought it back once a year for March. But we are back to daily rewards now so hopefully all the stackers that were turned off by the monthly come back.
Hopefully indeed. I do feel like we’re seeing more of the OGs around lately.
Must be because they want to see their names in lights in your “this day in SN” posts.
Which ogs?
As a wise man has said, "If you are not breaking anything you are not doing anything, also."
The Stacker process is all about movement. It mirrors the world we live in. Hopefully we can stack good proof of work in the process.
Even when I gently or vehemently disagree with a Stacker I'm still reminding myself that that Stacker is a mirror of me. I'm thinking, "Why is my mirror so dirty, corrupt or rotten? Then the mirror says, "exactly, Grasshopper!"
I think this is a good point. How do you feel now that it has gone back to daily rewards.
I was kind of aware but not really. I think the daily rewards is a great thing. Yes, we should train ourselves to be patient but I think also amassing sums of sats is not a good thing. It's better to have a daily pile because that is better feedback on the work that each person does.
Personally I ran google ads for 15 years at a domain and once I actually wrote something that made $5 which was thousands of hits.... but I never ever got that $5 because I never earned much more. (So my writing sucks but also the ads sucked and eventually I disconnected.) In one week of stacker I was hooked by earning sats that in one week was more valuable than 15 years of web work.
Daily rewards are a great boon. If the backend is a painful experience then I understand why there would be a change. But also some days I donated 10,000 sats just because I was grateful for the work the Stacker team and plebs do.
I think a lot of stackers do have appreciation for having a place like SN where they can both produce content and receive and give sats as well. So I completely understand how you feel regarding grateful for the team and fellow stackers.
Organizing an ask in the flow of website use might also be a good thing. Like I just checked my wallet balance and that would be a great place to put a donate button.
great idea