Actually, looks like my code is broken as of today. Something must have changed in the API with yesterday’s release
Mhh, what error do you get?
Seems like my upsertComment mutation is not successful. I am not logging the error response, but my code is failing to parse the response data, looking for data.upsertComment. Any new params or signature changes to that mutation? I can look myself too, don't stop anything important
Ohh, we did indeed change the response for every mutation. The previous response is now nested inside a response property. We did that because a mutation might also return an invoice now next to response in invoice.
But I think the arguments haven't changed.
Seems like I also need to fix @hn but that would mean something about the arguments did change 🤔
Haven’t checked the logs yet but will report back when I do
Nice. More of an observation and question of trend change rather than trying to get people to donate but good to know I am not the only one.
Just asking brought my attention to it, so thank you!
I see what you're doing 👀