pull down to refresh

Currently it's painful to try to keep track of notifications since there's no way to mark them as "read", and thus there is no way to filter by "unread", which permanently leads to missing someone's comment and losing track of conversations, despite eye-breaking efforts to revisit the list and trying to keep track from memory or even zapping to have any sort of visual indicator. It will be a massive improvement to just allow to (even just manually) mark a notification as "seen" plus/thus allowing to filter notifications by "unseen".
You can mark as read by zapping them. That’s what I do.
I said in the post I do so Sr! But it's still unnatural, for that's not what zapping means, thus it would make filtering sketchy and may get future functionality entangled
Agreed but it works well enough. Unless someone is being an ass, I am going to zap everyone that responds to me. Where it gets problematic is when you get roped into a conversation you are no longer part of.
Agreed it is not the ideal solution but works well enough to at least keep track of what is read and needs to be read.
I fully understand and share your stance, again, that's what I try to do myself. But it's battling against nature and incentives. That's not how a proper UX works. You and me may get disciplined with time, but both symbology and incentives clearly play against that workflow, thus you are granted most users will have a bad UX.
Fair point.
I hear you. We'd like to give notifications filters, e.g. filter by replies. We had them in the past but they weren't being used so we removed them. Times have changed.
Much appreciated Sr, thank you. So far, just being able to mark as read would be mentally relieving (whenever more than one person talks to you at the same time, all sense of order is gone). Automatically marking upon clicking is a plus. Marking back as unread serves as bookmarking. I mean, just like standard email feed.
On this computer I can see if I read, but my other computer it is challenging. I zap every post I read so I just filter by yellow or gray.