You are Guatemalan? Only joking, I know Guam is not Guatemala. What do they call people from Guam?
How is Korean baby-shopping tourism in Guam these days?
First Korean women need to get pregnant which is a rare occurrence
Korean birth tourism to Guam has been a growing phenomenon in recent years. Many pregnant Korean women travel to Guam, a U.S. territory, to give birth and obtain U.S. citizenship for their children[1][4][5].
There are several reasons why Korean women choose Guam for birth tourism:
  1. Obtaining U.S. citizenship for their children, which is seen as a status symbol and can provide educational and immigration benefits[1][5].
  2. Guam's proximity to Korea and the ability to stay for up to 15 days without a visa[5].
  3. The presence of birth tourism agencies in Korea that help arrange flights, hospital stays, and translators for pregnant women[1][5].
  4. The lower costs compared to giving birth on the U.S. mainland[5].
However, Korean birth tourism in Guam has faced some opposition. U.S. conservative groups argue it is a "loophole" that allows backdoor immigration, while some Koreans see it as unpatriotic[1]. The U.S. government has also cracked down on birth tourism in recent years[5].
In 2012, there were more births to Chinese tourists in the nearby Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands than to the indigenous population, with Korean births also increasing[4]. While birth tourism provides an economic boost to the region, there are concerns about the long-term implications for the children's identities and potential chain migration[4].
Sources [1] Birth Tourism in South Korea – DW – 12/19/2008 [2] Korean in 'Saipan baby' scheme gives birth - Marianas Variety [3] What method East Asian (Korean, Jap, Chinese) immigrate to Guam ... [4] More Birth-Tourism Births Than Indigenous Births in CNMI [5] Women going to Guam, Canada to give birth - Korea JoongAng Daily
40 sats \ 0 replies \ @gmd 1 Jul
Oh wow, the country is actually very diverse! "People. Native Guamanians, ethnically called Chamorros, are of basically Malayo-Indonesian descent with a considerable admixture of Spanish, Filipino, Mexican, and other European and Asian ancestries."
Aye, aye!
Why do you want independence?
Sovereignty, and identity.
My people want this. We have less bill of rights then Americans do. The constitution can waive the rights. Also, we can bargain with the u.s