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That's it. Biden is dropping out. It will be interesting to see who the democrats pick as his replacement. Not picking Kamala Harris will be an insult, though they probably all want Newsom.
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What a mess.
This is a complete disgrace. The fact that a clearly mentally failing man was put forward in the first place solely because he could win and his wife wanted to be First Lady. Then the democrat party and media lied to everyone for 3.5 years and pretended nothing is wrong. Now because they know they are going to lose they have this ruse of a debate and then circle their media wagons to call for him to be replaced. It’s all disgusting.
They deserve to lose every down ballot race for egregious mendacity
I’ve got dementia in my family, it’s really tough. It was horrible to watch some of the clips from Biden, really sad to see.
The reality is that 4 years ago he was probably able to cover it up much better but now it’s clear to see there are issues.
Only his family will be able to get him to quit and I really hope they do, otherwise the next few months will play out really badly not only for him but his family too.
My grand mother had it as well. It was very hard. Honestly he doesn't seem like he's far along with it. He just seems like he is his age. I spent a lot of time in nursing homes visiting people in my youth and he just seems like his mind is slipping as it does with age.
76 sats \ 1 reply \ @MB 1 Jul 2024
I think when the general public are able to see there is an issue then it’s probably further down the road than we think.
Yeah, I'm not saying that isn't possible. I honestly don't get how he can be like he was at the debate and the next day be VERY different at a rally. Its very odd.
I told you in the poll that it's game over for Biden. Yes, you're right Kamla Harris will not be the preferred choice, it'll definitely be Newsom! Whatever I've come to know, he is the most influential dem after Biden.
It will be interesting. The Dems will catch flack for pushing aside a minority woman to pick a rich white guy. This stuff matters.
I don't know if a minority woman matter so much there! Kamla Harris has her own negative points and Newsom his own.
Sounds like the Dems are about to get a taste of their own poison
I don’t think Newsom would do it, he wants to win and without the full campaign cycle his chances at winning are lower.
Good point. It may be far better for Newsom to spend the next 4 years becoming a very vocal opponent of Trump and build up his name brand.
This is a high-risk/high-reward situation all around. If Newsom blows it here....it could spell the end of his political career.
An open war is currently brewing. The Biden faction isn't going to just "concede"
The point being made is that although Biden is -3 vs Trump, everyone else fares worse.
They are in a tough position
Wow! Thanks for posting this. I have to make more popcorn.
Yes, its pretty fun watching it unfold.
It may be that their "best" solution would be not to switch out Biden, but to switch out Harris. Something like a Biden/Newsom ticket.
This would provide maximum upside and limit maximum downside.
The problem with that is how does the party of diversity ditch a brown woman for a white male.... (edit. the answer would probably be pretty simple honestly, Harris decides to step down for personal reasons and takes a job with big donors company making 30M per year)
Kamala won’t leave quietly unless she gets hush money, which is a DNC legal expense
Swapping out K for Gavin is a smart move
You nail it as far as Harris stepping down goes. She has to be perceived to be doing it on her own, not being pushed (and not publicly expressing any lack of confidence in Biden), which means that job has to be there the second she leaves (which they can definitely arrange). Given those numbers, adding Whitmer (to nail the Michigan vote, and also polling best against Trump) would be the way to shore things up.
The real question, of course, would be how they avoid more of Biden being Biden.
Was a Trump versus Kennedy poll there? Because I think Trump gets smoked if the DNC offered a mea culpa and then brought Kennedy in as his replacement.
Talent shortage
But no shortage of ego and ambition
I know dozens of people from different countries reaching out to me asking us if we are alright here lol. Insane, we are the laughing stock of the world. How far have we fallen.
A true empire in collapse.
Alright! Hillary's gonna get her rematch.
This could be a real behind the scenes battle. I'm thinking that anyone who has shown support for Gaza will be immediately excluded. You can't offend the Israel lobby. Does anyone know what Harris or Newsom's position is? (I can assume Hillary's)
It's an interesting point and it highlights what these races are actually about. If they wanted to win, they'd put up a candidate who opposes the war.
I believe Kamala has been more openly opposed to the war than Biden. No idea on Newsome, though.
Can you imagine what the family thought right after the debate. They must have been really suffering watching the debate live.
i dont think Biden stands a chance, he should just save the little strength he has for something else, or better still quite polities
The emperor has no clothes
The Biden family is set to have a meeting to discuss the future of Joe Biden's presidential campaign. With his recent disappointing finishes in the early primary states, there is speculation that the family may decide to reassess the path forward. Some family members are reportedly concerned about the toll the rigorous campaign schedule is taking on Biden's health and well-being. The outcome of this meeting could have significant implications for the future of the campaign and whether Biden will continue to compete for the Democratic nomination.
Yeah. He's out. What's the source for this quote?
did I quote anything ?
No. Then this is your own reply? I'm not sure of the context. Disappointing finishes in the primary states? This information must be old.
Oh man, they announced it. Im surprised it took this long, kind of pathetic. Think trump will drop now that its not biden he is running against?
It depends who they pick.
What about that jfk guy?
RFK jr? I don't know whether a candidate can break the two party system. Maybe?
Yeah this guy...oh He is the same party as trump?
No. He is a former democrat who is now running as an independent
Harris/Newsom to the rescue.
Yes. That's the ticket that makes the most sense.
Yup. Won't piss off Blacks, no disrespect to the party apparatus, and first female. Plus they ran San Fran, and then California together and we're on this path with Gavin leading, but Sleepy Joe getting in disrupted. They only let sleepy in because he agreed to one term and handing it over. Now they have to get his ego out of the way and make him stick to his original agreement.
The start of a well orchestrated circus and an internal war to distract people of the real wars going on and clearly not run by Joe Biden
They won't choose Kamala Harris. I think they will pick a strong figure outside of the electoral scene.
I've heard Michele Obama thrown around, honestly wouldn't be that surprised
Do you think that if Michelle Obama ran for election, she would win more votes than the legend Trump?
Biden was so sharp in 2012. He easily outperformed Paul Ryan. His decline was obvious even back in 2019. I cannot believe the MSM and DEM can hide his decline for such a long time.
My god that was hard to watch
Biden was more energetic but he kept interrupting Ryan and was wrong on tax cuts increasing revenue
Even when he had his marbles Joe has always been a doofus and a plagiarist
Why family? I watched after the debate Mrs Biden cane to support Biden downstairs. Thst was the moment I thought Biden is now finished! Now what's the need of a family discussion? Just stop an old decaying family member who fumbles every now and then.
Biden family business has to shut down if Joe leaves White House
Similar to Clinton foundation donations after Hillary lost.
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