I’ve got dementia in my family, it’s really tough. It was horrible to watch some of the clips from Biden, really sad to see.
The reality is that 4 years ago he was probably able to cover it up much better but now it’s clear to see there are issues.
Only his family will be able to get him to quit and I really hope they do, otherwise the next few months will play out really badly not only for him but his family too.
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My grand mother had it as well. It was very hard. Honestly he doesn't seem like he's far along with it. He just seems like he is his age. I spent a lot of time in nursing homes visiting people in my youth and he just seems like his mind is slipping as it does with age.
76 sats \ 1 reply \ @MB 1 Jul
I think when the general public are able to see there is an issue then it’s probably further down the road than we think.
Yeah, I'm not saying that isn't possible. I honestly don't get how he can be like he was at the debate and the next day be VERY different at a rally. Its very odd.