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It is due to the political cycle that libertarian free-market policies are generally never given the time to take effect. As soon as a reform is passed, the protests begin and the next election sees the socialist opponent back in office. In the case of Argentina, the first successes can be seen just a few months after President Milai's wave of reforms: over 300,000 state parasites have been made redundant, the public budget has been brought into balance and the inflation rate is falling dramatically.
The first successes in the area of citizens' purchasing power are now following: real wages are rising again after a long period of decline and, given the coincidence of Mileid's election with the rise in purchasing power, the left-wing mainstream press will find it difficult to write off and confuse this success, which is likely to continue throughout the year.
It is crucial that we use alternative media to explain to the masses the correlation between market-based reform and delayed economic prosperity. The leftist mainstream will do anything to destroy this correlation in order to defend its own power and that of its political functionaries.
Was this increase in Argentine salaries just a result of inflation, or does it mean more cash at the end of the month?
It's a mix of a couple of factors:
  1. Due to sustained inflation, it's already part of standard contracts for the payments to be revisited every 6 months or so, to be actualized according to inflation or at least according to a previously agreed fixed percentage depending on overall tendency. It's of course never enough because otherwise there would be no inflation.
  2. Actually decreasing inflation, so that a renowned salary implies greater buying power and not "still less but not so much".
  3. At first many prices increased blindly due to fear to crisis, both economical and social, and due to the broken price compass that last government inflation left. With the current government showing itself strong, 99% social calmness and confidence, and clear, consistent and successful economic measures, prices of many goods can be calculated correctly back again and thus many goods have come down drastically. Buying good quality clothes as never been cheaper in more than a decade. That also makes money-saving make sense back again.
Hyperinflation destroys the fabric of society
The solution is painful in the short term
Chile was able to recover after eliminating Allende
Pinochet invited Milton Friedman to his office so his economic advisors could pick his brain on hyperinflation
I think its the result of inflation coming down and tax cuts
Real wages not paper or nominal
Hoping for a strong Recovery in Argentina. They have had decades of debasement and bad policy, love to see Milei cleaning house. This is one of the counties I would definitely consider moving to if all goes well. Great steak, weather, people, architecture and now harder money!
Good news for argentina. Hope they will continue to do well in future.
Isn't Milei trying to become a tyrant? There are news from everywhere that public had been protesting for his measures. But he is asking for infinite powers. In fact, a bill has already been approved that -
The legislation delegates broad powers to the president in energy, pensions, security and other areas and includes several measures seen as controversial, including a generous incentive scheme for foreign investors, tax amnesty for those with undeclared assets and plans to privatize some of Argentina’s state-owned firms. Source
Not in the slightest. Do not trust propaganda. Actually, you can safely always interpret the opposite of what the propaganda tells you in order to know the truth.
Alright, it may be a propaganda. Are there no protests against him in Argentina?
Of course, the leftist parasites he is severing from state income are pathetically trying to create distress and protest against him daily, much to the delight of the majority of the population that previously had to maintain them. Twitter has been great at showing the malice of the leftards previous and after being severed, and the media is armless against social networks. Besides laughing at those scenes of "lefties crying" (which in confidence people will confess as "orgasmic"), those who voted for Milei, which is the majority of the population (57%), is just looking forward to recovery and couldn't care less at the leftards.
So, it seems like you're reporting all this from ground zero?
For me the only important thing about Milei is when he proposes to adopt Bitcoin.
So, it seems like you're reporting all this from ground zero?
Yes of course, I live in Argentina :)
For me the only important thing about Milei is when he proposes to adopt Bitcoin.
An he means it, but he is taking a stronger approach to it, by looking to enable free competition of currencies, which is the proper stand for all cases.
40 percent poverty rate in Argentina
There are bigger priorities than bitcoin adoption
Never trust the MSM! Never
Can we trust politicians?
I trust this camarilla of corrupt parasites a 100%!! Defend Your 'democracy'!
Media and pundits are worse than politicians today
the problem is that political caste has merged with mainstream media into a very very strong bubble. they create and defend their narrative and continue to suck the private sector dry
Not a tyrant
His plan to eliminate the central bank and adopt USD as the new currency is a step in the right direction. Huge step.
I also think the same but what about this news of Milei now getting infinite powers for every sector??
Why would someone do that?
One year implementation
deleted by author
The legislation delegates broad powers to the president in energy, pensions, security and other areas and includes several measures seen as controversial, including a generous incentive scheme for foreign investors, tax amnesty for those with undeclared assets and plans to privatize some of Argentina’s state-owned firms.
Argentina's lower house has approved President Javier Milei's extensive economic reform bills, marking a significant win for the libertarian leader after months of tough negotiations and protests[1]. The legislation, aimed at reducing the fiscal deficit and attracting foreign investment, secured final approval in the lower house after passing through the Senate amid strong opposition[1]. Milei's reform package includes measures to encourage investments, privatize state-owned enterprises, and grant the president expanded authority over economic and energy affairs for a year[1]. Despite facing hurdles due to opposition tactics, Milei's administration managed to push through the legislation, attributing the challenges to the obstructive behavior of hard-line opponents[1].
Sources [1] Argentine Congress seals 1st legislative win for President Milei after months of debate and protests https://apnews.com/article/argentina-congress-milei-law-president-economy-8deecd2adcdb82258a242b53d2474480
I still can't believe that there really is a politician who puts libertarian politics, a free market economy and the dismantling of the state into practice. All the disappointments and decades of building new socialist regimes in Europe have made me so politically numb that I hardly dare to rejoice
Argentina has hit rock bottom
Its very good news. If this country stabalizes, other countries will follow. Cutting the fat is important.
indeed! i hope for positive contagion effects in the region in south america, young population, stable values, the will to make something out of life-maybe argentina is the first shining example
Yes, just imagine how strong of a powerhouse it can become if it stays the course. Also, if the other states follow behind, I could see central america becoming a very thriving place.
I am an emigrant and I currently live in Lima, Peru and the truth is that it is very pleasant to be able to see how a country like Argentina that in the last 20 years has been in economic and social decline... thanks to the changes and strategies of a president who exactly studied and He graduated for that to face crises and economic problems... he is moving forward... and not only that, the media cannot hide it if the process is working and soon we will see a prosperous Argentina with economic potential... I am very happy for my friends who live there... and I would like something like this to happen in my native country Venezuela.
yes i like that, i think it's nice to hear. all the best to you
Good news for Argentinians.
Milei is definitely doing a great job! He should be copied in all poor Latin American nations.
We need libertarian spirit in the EUSSR, too!
Your help to underpin this efforts are more than welcome. Your support is extremely valuable. Twitter is a good platform to show it, that's what everyone uses here. An independent and organic support campaign can have dramatic mass effects (that's how Milei won from nothing).
We should ask Devon who knows a lot about Argentina
Sure! Who is he?
That looks cool! Do you have contact with him? It would be really cool to get as much as you people in contact with local personalities that will for sure love to have interviews and spaces :) On my side I can provide assistance from my first hand testimonies living here in Argentina and having participated of the presidential campaign and all that "living in the trenches" stuff
Do you use Aqua wallet?
You should check it out
You should contact her directly on Twitter
She loves Argentina 🇦🇷