BDMD = Bitcoin deniers myths debunked This is a series of short posts about Bitcoin myths and nocoiner fallacies, debunked or explained. Previous BDMD #1
We often hear this question from normies:

"If there is no internet connection or you are in a place without coverage, how can you use Bitcoin? Or if a government has to shut down the internet access? Wouldn’t it be a danger that we lose our BTC?

First of all... Government is NOT going to close access to the internet because they depend 100% on it. Yes, they can restrict it, they can censor it.
But nowadays, some computers interconnected by an ad-hoc network, can already use many versions of the Internet that cannot be censored (see TOR).
The question is: if you live in a country where the government is an oppressor, it wouldn't be more logical to ask "why did we let the government to enslaves us?" The problem is NOT with Bitcoin, it is with the government and with us because we let them doing this.
Let's not forget the quote: “When people fear their government, there is tyranny; When the government fears the people, there is freedom". If you are already living in a tyranny, then your concern is not how to use BTC, but how to stop this tyranny. And you can stop it exactly by start using bitcoin.

How to use Bitcoin without internet ?

There are many options to use Bitcoin WITHOUT an internet connection. Recently there have been tests with radio devices such as GoTenna or using antennas and equipment with connection to satellites and using the satellite network. In Sep 2020 a group of bitcoiners in Venezuela, Cryptobuyers, have connected a BTC node to the satellite network. Here is a guide how to run a BTC node to the satellite network.
An interesting option is to start your own ISP: if in your area there's no infrastructure or the ISP is offering shity services or is censoring too much.
Another possibility is sending a tx by SMS. The tx is created in an offline wallet and the result will be in the form of an encrypted text code can be sent to a friend or relative by SMS, who simply broadcasts the tx, copying the code in any wallet app that supports broadcast tx (Electrum, Sparrow, Bluewallet, Samourai etc). He will never have access to your wallet, he just re-transmits the tx, acting like a relay.
Recently we've seen also the new options using Mesh networks with LoRa devices, that can connect P2P multiple relays and create an ad-hoc network, that needs only a single point connected to the rest of the internet.
We've seen that through these Mesh networks it is possible to connect bitcoin and LN nodes and have perfectly fine Bitcoin payments between users.
Another option could be using Ecash, that could be used offline for P2P payments. Only the receiver that want to "melt" the ecash tokens must be connected to the rest of the internet and redeem his tokens through any LN wallet. Yes, this is a custodial method (ecash is practically a digital gift card), there are risks, but in very specific cases (isolated communities) it could be helpful.
For sure there are many other options and tools. Please share them in comments if you know some. So this FUD question should be discarded and move on.
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People that entertain the idea of the government shutting down the internet haven't learned to use logic.
On top of that the government can't do it. I mean as you say they could censor or block access but sense when have they been able to do something so broad. North Korea is the best example of Internet black out and it has no affect on the rest of the world practically.
An interesting article that prefigures the use of Bitcoin without the internet, relying only on an analog medium: radio waves. It is intended for remote areas, natural disasters, political and social unrest, and technical failures.
In a lot of the severe doomsday scenarios, my response is that you’re going to have more pressing issues than making bitcoin payments if you’re even still alive.
Exactly. If nuclear weapons were raining down all over the world or a planet killing asteroid just hit, I don't think many people will be thinking about any form of money. They will be trying to survive.
I was preparing the "doom scenario" for another BDMD 😂😂, but yeah is a very good point.
First of all only a stupid can actually believe that someday internet would shut down for the whole world. Bitcoin runs on 'distributed ledger' and it's now everywhere. So, there can only be two parts of this bullshit movie if that happens-
  • Internet in some part is down so people from that part won't transact for sometime. Can people use Fiat in such times in the region? Yes, they can, until they have few notes! But again, if the outage continues even for 24 hours, can all paper trash available in the region sustain the catastrophe? There will be chaos all around. People will be lining outside every bank. There will be protests all around. Don't ask me, the most outrageous protests would be from those who would be refrained from watching their fiat pile up on stock exchanges. That would be an amazing day!!!
  • After so much chaos and drama, ultimately, government of that region has to restore internet and people would then run to convert their fiat to Bitcoin and there will be a 'public declaration that Economy wouldn't be handed to statesmen'. The governments could do nothing except accepting the demands of people. 'Those would be days when a Bitcoin Economy would establish for that region.' People will then live happily forever.
only a stupid can actually believe that someday internet would shut down for the whole world.
Unfortunately we have quite some people that believe any bullshit :)
These were all chinese lol
They cant think for themselves.
One also had to be stupid to ever think that a global lockdown could ever happen. Yet it did so let's not discard anything and underestimate the ability of our overlords to coordinate their evil policies
Foreal, peoples normalcy bias is always telling them that it can't happen.
Because of a compliant and submissive citizenry
In Africa there are some projects that use SMS messages to send Bitcoin. Many of them don't have smartphones, so in these communities there have been cases of doing this. Feel free to check the screenshot below with a tx in Nigeria.
Recently we've seen also the new options using Mesh networks with LoRa devices, that can connect P2P multiple relays and create an ad-hoc network, that needs only a single point connected to the rest of the internet.
LoRa seems like a pretty nice piece of tech. I imagine that in a small community, having a couple of devices and someone serving as their Uncle Jim (for the internet) would help in solving the accessibility problem in so many developing countries.
I admit LoRa is intriguing to my sometimes suppressed "doomsday prepper" tendencies. I haven't taken action (yet)
From what I've read about it, you really should have an elevated position to use it effectively. Like a line-of-sight kind of thing.
I live in a ground level apartment that is surrounded by hills, so there's very little to no chance of LoRa working well from where I'm at now.
I'm thinking it might be time to find a new place to live soon.
If anyone wants to move somewhere that's cheaper rent, and split a place in a roommate situation, hit me up. I can move anywhere in the US.
Don't suppress the "doomsday prepper" inside you. Let it out, let it go.
Successfully sent ecash-by-sound last week: #580760
How dumb of someone thinking about a possible internet blackout. I don't view it happening!
Thank you for announcing it clearly and making all of well informed!!
Another great article. Thanks Darth.
I am just trying to clear out some normies / newbies / nocoiners / deniers questions that I hear all over. So other stackers if they were asked about these aspects can share these quick posts.
Yes, will be a valuable series to have on SN to refer to when newbies come around.
A shift in the magnetics of the Earth would shut down the internet and a whole lot besides. An EMP might do the same, depending on its scope, and surely strong enough solar flares can be a problem. People have shown a willingness to disturb any of these cycles.
For that scenario people will have waaaay more other important problems than their bitcoin.
They do anyway. The illusion is that they have time for bitcoin.
Very informative article for beginners. Thanks for sharing
thanks for this enlightenment, i have gone through the article and its a game changer for me.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.