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Last week I think the WH started pushing this term "cheap fakes" referring to the many videos mocking Biden's decline. I mean it is absurd to me that NOW people are seeing the decline. Its not new. It is worse. People just like to play dumb and lie to themselves. I for one find it all very entertaining to watch from the sidelines.
Dave Smith talked about this today on Part Of The Problem. It's so transparent.
I watched that too. Good coverage. I heard about the cheap fakes thing from the No Agenda podcast last week.
for months
ohwww kaay. Sure. Months.
Tax payers
I wish that were true. It seems like they're really indentured servants.
In response to the question of who is running the country, I found this assessment convincing:
To the question of motives, the answer is obvious: the news networks have worked tirelessly (and with stunning dishonor) to hide their collusion with the government in gaslighting the public. More to the point, they’ve concealed the appalling truth that the CIA, DARPA, and their many intel blob subsidiaries conducted a silent coup over the USA and have been running our country’s affairs disastrously behind the “Joe Biden” façade — and that the coup actually started well before Mr. Trump’s 2016 inauguration. You know it, and they know that you know it.
I thought Biden lost his marbles in 2020. Hence the basement campaign
I bet Newson is the man behind for now and he will come ahead in August meet.
Kamla Harris may also reject Biden now...
The "Deep State" sounds spooky. Like some wild conspiracy theory you'd see on a pinboard with post it notes.
I don't think its all that crazy. You have thousands of career bureaucrats that remain from administration to administration. You have many 3 letter agencies with career people. They all have their own agendas and fiefdoms. Sometimes there are rivalries between departments and agencies. Then you have all of the wealthy elites that own companies. They know how to work the system. Many have deep ties to these agencies that supposedly regulate them. Many of these companies literally have inside men in these agencies and departments. This isn't theory. Its history and well documented by many people.
Even if you have a strong president that wants to make some change happen they can't just do it. They can make orders but there are many times in history when agencies and departments work against them. Presidents have been lied to and deceived over the years. It is an absolute mess.
Now, if you are telling me we have an old man that can barely give a speech that "runs the country". I'm not going to consider you a serious person. You man think I'm a crackpot. I don't care. I know what I know. I know the research I've done over the years. I have a memory and a brain I use. We have a population of numskulls that just believe whatever those with a platform say. But maybe that is changing. Maybe people are wising up? I will believe it when I see it.
I don't know if people are realizing, but I think that a part of the population is at least beginning to suspect that a president who is not able to fit 4 words into a sentence with a mental deterioration that jumps out at you is governing the country, it's not credible, people will be starting to speculate who is really in charge of the country, and it is clearly not Biden.
Its really shameful. He should have vacated office already.
he and his foreign policy aides have been urging a ceasefire that will not happen in Gaza while continuing to supply the weapons that make a ceasefire less likely. There’s a similar paradox in Ukraine, where Biden has been financing a war that cannot be won and refusing to participate in negotiations that could end the slaughter.
The foreign policy is absurd. Acting like Ukraine can defeat Russia without consequences that are unacceptable to Europe and the US is playing dumb.
The median age of their soldiers is 42 years
Its a crime that few mention the part US and NATO policy has played a role in this war. The people in these places pay the price.
For those that do not know. The US/NATO have known for a VERY long time that Ukraine joining NATO was a red line for both Putin and the Russian people. I'm not saying they have any say or right but that it was something that made them feel under threat is not debatable.
If you dig you can find many broken promises from US/NATO about NATO expansion. Promises to the Russians that NATO would not expand. NATO is a military alliance and its expansion has consequences. The reality is that the US meddled in the affairs of Ukraine and broke promises made to Russia over and over. One could say they were trying to provoke conflict.
This is not to say that the actions of the US/NATO justify anything Putin or Russia has done. That would be absurd. But, it does make sense that they would respond how they have.
My belief is that the US / NATO knew it was highly likely that Putin would attack Ukraine. That Ukraine has no prayer of defeating Russia. This whole conflict seems to me to have two goals.
  1. Bleed Russia dry fighting a war that drags on. A war that costs the Ukrainian people dearly
  2. Lead to Putin losing power in Russia.
Putin has good reason to fear NATO and the US. During the fall of the USSR the US actively tried to install a puppet leader in Russia. Based on my research Russians have a very isolationist world view and view the expansion of NATO as a threat to their future existence. As an American I understand why this sounds absurd to most Americans but I've met many people from other nations. Our world views differ greatly. Before we take sides in things and cheer on war we should at least try to understand motivations and history. Relying on "the news" which is propaganda is not only foolish, it is irresponsible.
The reality is that the US war machine (military contractors) need to be fed. They have great power. The incentive to have conflict is clear. When one war spins down another always comes up to replace it. That's kinda weird to me. But when you understand how much money is on the line it makes nothing but sense.
Lame duck logic comes into play now. Expect a full on smash-and-grab from the Biden camp.
Well, we know who isn't don't we.
Seymour Hersh is a real old time investigative journalist.
I believe Hersh. He has a ton of credibility to me. I would be shocked if the establishment dems and the big money guys weren't panicking after the debate. Its interesting to read the stories he is sharing.
I wonder how many people learn of how they have been deceived by his handlers and their party and then proceed to forget the next time around.
Very familiar.
He wrote about the bombing of Nordstream in 2022 or 23.
I remember his column as a kid. I never read his column as a child or teenager lol
He was unafraid about Nordstream, and caught unwarranted criticism by those who questioned his abilities and integrity.
Yeah, it seems like he kinda brew his establishment cred before that. I can't recall what it was but no matter who you are if you go against the machine they come after your rep.
It really is so obvious once you see it.
The article describes the events surrounding the My Lai massacre during the Vietnam War on March 16, 1968. U.S. Army soldiers from Charlie Company, led by Lieutenant William Calley, killed hundreds of unarmed Vietnamese civilians in the village of My Lai 4[1].
Key points from the article:
  1. Helicopter pilots witnessed numerous bodies scattered throughout the village and in irrigation ditches[1].
  2. The Army's Criminal Investigation Division concluded that Charlie Company had killed 347 Vietnamese men, women, and children in My Lai 4[1].
  3. Despite widespread evidence of murders throughout the company, only Lieutenant Calley was found guilty of any crime related to the attack[1].
  4. The article suggests that the My Lai 4 massacre was not the only one carried out by American troops in Quang Ngai Province that day[1].
  5. There were attempts to cover up the extent of the massacre, with military officials withholding important information from the public[1].
  6. The article also mentions a separate massacre at My Khe 4 by Bravo Company, where estimates of civilian deaths ranged from 60 to 155[1].
The piece provides a detailed account of the events, including the actions of various military personnel and the subsequent investigations and cover-up attempts.
Good morning Victor Charlie!
Whatever happens, we have a president—now fully unveiled—who just may not be responsible for what he does in the coming campaign, not to mention his actions in the Middle East and Ukraine.
It's all summed up here. I also think that most Americans would agree this.
Yeah, no wonder america is blundering so much.
The highest paying political action committee is running the country. Big Oil, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Banking & the military industrial complex is running this country. Biden is just the puppet.
The assumption I’ve been working from is that it’s Obama admin people. Maybe some other faction is vying for control now given what we saw last night. It’s up for grabs.
You think it is obamas people? Or Bidens that just dont want to give up power?
I’m assuming Biden doesn’t have his own people, they’re actually Obama people. Susan Rice, Samantha Powers, Pritzkers. But there might be a second faction that is more of a Biden team.
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