Islam, as it appears today, is clearly politicized and used as a power vehicle
sadly, in most places it is; but then it doesn't mean all muslims are bad ppl - I'm surrounded by some of the kindest humans and they are Muslims, but I see them as living humans being instead of muslims. 👀
Not all Muslim are bad people but their leaders are dangerous.
Muslims have trouble coexisting peacefully with non Muslims.
Muslim countries don’t have a reputation for tolerance and diversity
The religion is about converting the heathens. If they don’t convert, kill the men, rape the women
"Not all Muslim are bad people but their leaders are dangerous"
One can say the exact same thing about foreign policy advisers in Washington or Jerusalem, the evil of all leaders around the world says nothing about the people living in these countries who are in fact the first victims
Fair point
Can Muslims coexist with the West? History has shown us the answer: big fat no
that's not what i said. my point is to show quite clearly that christian islamic or jewish or even atheists cannot be merged into a multicultural paradise. this is a misconception that is turning into a catastrophe before our very eyes
I can coexist with Muslim who convert to anything else
What if s.o. converts to Bidenomics?
I guess multi-respect is the key, ppl used to respect others' religions during the Ottoman time, and even till now, I'm still around Christian and Muslim friends here, but yeah, politically wise, they don't want you to see this is possible, ppl living harmony with each other, and it's been like this for centuries.