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I seriously wonder what we would do without Trump, given the fact that many top performers and wealthy people and people in the know refuse to get involved in politics? the best quote I've heard from him in recent months was: Biden can't even walk on grass without falling on his face.
If you like to be on television and public speaking then American politics will be relatively easy.
Reagan experience as a movie actor helped him get elected governor and President.
Politics is Hollywood for average looking people
On the other hand if Brad Pitt ran for office, he would get 99 percent of the female and gay men vote
His victory in 2016 was a miracle almost.
President Hillary would have been a disaster
This was his death shot. But Donald.... simply ice cold
It’s painful to watch Biden. I almost feel sorry for him, watching octogenarian cognitive decline in a debate
but once again it has become quite obvious how important it is to break the power of the mainstream media. the fact that a large part of the people didn't even know about the state of mind of their own president is more than just alarming. we can't really afford such clowning anymore
One reason for the debate tonight was do we remove Joe in September or sooner
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK 28 Jun
It was clearly a plot against this clown. It is particularly tragic for me to see that his own wife has played along with this shitshow to this day
The wife is lady Macbeth