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that's the really disgusting thing about politics. that you let a senile, sick old man so obviously run in front of the train and then pounce on him like a herd of wolves in the media. but he chose his own fate, at least if he still knew what he was doing, and is now a victim of his own hubris. Let's see which Brutus steps out of the shadows now. I think Newsom
Besides results, Trump seemed younger by 30 years from Biden!
when you hear Biden talk like that you have to wonder what he's like if he hasn't been pumped full of drugs? you can only feel sorry for him. It's also really cool that most people were surprised after the live broadcast about the state of mind of this man. The media once again managed to defend a fake story and build up that this man is a normal politician, perfectly healthy and fit.
Even from his voice, one can easily assume how fit and healthy he is!
I once knew a cancer patient who had such a voice in the final stages. could it be that the man is seriously ill and we don't even know it?
Politicians, or such politicians, are known to hide many personal things because they are relevant in elections outcomes.
Even if Biden wins this election, I don't see him completing the full term. Or, may be the presidency term will give him another real life lifeline.
Biden will be replaced.
The purpose of tonight was for Democrat power brokers and donors to examine Biden.
There was no audience or press at the debate which is unconventional
I seriously wonder what we would do without Trump, given the fact that many top performers and wealthy people and people in the know refuse to get involved in politics? the best quote I've heard from him in recent months was: Biden can't even walk on grass without falling on his face.
If you like to be on television and public speaking then American politics will be relatively easy.
Reagan experience as a movie actor helped him get elected governor and President.
Politics is Hollywood for average looking people
On the other hand if Brad Pitt ran for office, he would get 99 percent of the female and gay men vote
His victory in 2016 was a miracle almost.
President Hillary would have been a disaster
This was his death shot. But Donald.... simply ice cold
It’s painful to watch Biden. I almost feel sorry for him, watching octogenarian cognitive decline in a debate
but once again it has become quite obvious how important it is to break the power of the mainstream media. the fact that a large part of the people didn't even know about the state of mind of their own president is more than just alarming. we can't really afford such clowning anymore
Yeah for style points trump won but policy Biden still wins
Biden won on which policies?
Are You drunk?