Hey everyone, we now have 17 participants:
There were some suggestions regarding the time (#588588, #588562).
Would June 29 4:30 PM UTC work for everyone?
I also went ahead and already created a tournament. I can still update the time. I also noted that lichess does not allow a tournament of 15+10 games with only 90 minutes as duration so I changed that to 10+5. This means rounds will be quicker and we will be able to play against more people within that time.
It's just a warm-up / test tournament so let's just see how this goes!
It would also be cool (but not an requirement) if you could share your lichess profile here so we know who is who. My nym on lichess is ekzyis.
sadly I will not be able to make it, on kid duty today
Not sure yet if I will make it today, a bit busy this weekend. Maybe I'll manage to join part of the tournament. If not, have fun and I'll hopefully join the next one!
I have joined the party. metkram - is my profile. Newborn here however a chess addict on lichess
I'm also in! Also I'm okay with the time mentioned...