Hmm. It's hard for me to comment without knowing what specific field you're studying, what you're being taught, and how.
But from some of the fields you listed--psychology, human behavior, culture, health, and diet--these are fields that (in my opinion) have the highest rate of being filled with pseudo-intellectual charlatans. People who don't know and can't teach any universal truths, and thus can only tell you how to replicate the ways they do their job, which more often than not is a job which wouldn't exist in the free market, and is mostly only supportable by government largesse, and thus contributes little to real human flourishing.
Maybe your dissatisfaction arises from the educators in these fields, and not in modern education specifically. I wonder if you'd find more fulfillment trying to pursue a more disciplined field like mathematics, physics, computer science, or economics.
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It's the "requirements" that put me off, besides... Which profession would you call a contributor to "human flourishing"? You've listed some of which I think you'd call them that, but what would you pick for the "lower education"-segment?