I grew up without the Internet. This world is not one I find hard to imagine. Even with all the problems that the Internet has contributed to I wouldn't turn the clock back. I think humans just need to learn how to handle everyone being connected. Nostalgia is seductive but also deceptive. The grass is always greener. There is no way but forward. This is a great time to be alive. We are simply far more aware of how much evil is in the world. What crazy things people believe, and how much of what we know is based on lies. We are still learning how to deal with all this. Its a lot to figure out. Most people still believe the answer to our problems is to vote every few years and try to use force to make others live their lives the way we think they should. We have a long way to go.
Peace. Keep your heads up. There's a lot to be grateful for. Stay humble, stack sats. I have to remind myself of these things pretty much every day. Focus on moving forward. Focus on what I can control. Be grateful I have what I have and work to make the world I exist in a bit better.
Well said. Agreed.