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I wouldn’t say I am a dancer, though I did dance with my crew during my wedding reception.
Now that I piqued your curiosity, let me explain. While living in Japan, I decided to join a yosakoi dance group because I was fascinated by the sharpness and sleekness of the moves. That’s how I needed to work for my wife’s and guests’ delight during my wedding.
I won’t consider myself a dancer because I never really bother to memorise the moves. I think people who are more kinaesthetically inclined will leverage muscle memory to master dance steps, but I am not endowed with this talent. So, if you observe me carefully, you’ll notice that I’m not in sync with the other dancers. I tend to copy my dance mates’ moves, which results in me being slower by a beat.
But I guess people don’t really notice since I get bombarded with dance requests quite a bit. So, tomorrow, I’m going to dance to the tune of Peaches by Justine Bieber with some of my colleagues. Youth Day is celebrated in my country, so the teachers decide to put on a performance tomorrow. I hope everything goes well!
What’s your hidden talent?
I sharpen knives. Not sure if it's hidden, because I talk about it, and ask friends and family for their dull knives to sharpen all the time. But it's something I really enjoy doing as a pastime.
That would be a handy skill to have when my daughter's old enough to be attracting gentlemen callers who need to be subtly intimidated.
Great idea. My daughter is turning 13 this year and I can probably begin using this tactic soon.
In America, the normal move is to be cleaning your shotgun on the front-porch swing, when the young man arrives.
Casually sharpening a whole table full of knives, should work just as well, though.
In Canada, our supreme leader makes life difficult to own guns. So I guess sharpening a table of knives at the front porch would do.
Knives don’t kill people unlike guns. People never kill anyone.
I really need to proof read before I post. It drives me crazy catching typos after the 10 minute window expires.
Good idea.
My wife went to culinary school many moons ago. She has super knife skills. I just try to not cut my fingers off.
Do you also have super knife skills to compliment your sharpening skills?
No, I don't have any knife skills. My wife does all the cooking at home and I just make sure her knives are always sharp.
I actually started with sharpening my carpentry tools (namely chisels and hand planer blades), but eventually moved onto kitchen knives too.
Interesting. They're hardly seen here in Portugal anymore, but there used to be a lot of street knife sharpeners.
I don't think we have people like that here in western Canada. I think we could use talents like them though, because I've ran into so many dull and chipped knives in terrible shape. Very sad and disrespectful to the knives.
Same sort of image in Spain too. Years ago, you could hear the noise of their music when getting closer to your house, so that you could come out and sharpen your knives and scissors.
There was a popular saying that you would be lucky if you put a handkerchief over your head when you heard the knife sharpener getting close to you. 🤣🤣
I think the only vendors here that play loud music while driving around are ice cream trucks.
Hahaha, not getting the ice cream trucks in this part of the world. These days, very occasionally, you can hear them in small villages/towns. Most of the times they drive a car instead of a motorbike as in the old times. Also using speakers instead of the instrument.
I don't know how hidden it is but I play multiple musical instruments. Primarily guitar but I can also play bass guitar, piano and a bit of drums. I have also written over 100 songs.
You could make a band with stackers. You, @ek and @supertestnet singing 🤠
I'm in.
I still play music a bit, I did violin for years as a kid but I never really talk about it. These days I like primarily Guitar and Piano.
Very nice.
I would lovingly be the lead singer.
100 songs? Damn impressive
Any residual checks lol?
Haha I wish. No, my band released a couple albums independently and played gigs around Toronto for a few years. Nothing too exciting.
At some point I hope to re-release some of the music on wavlake and hopefully earn some sats. That was supposed to be one of my projects this year but I have done nothing about it.
I'm much better at most sports than people would suspect upon meeting me in person.
Money ball draft pick?
I can sneeze without closing my eyes
You should try for guiness book of world record.
Wow. Gonna try to remember to attempt it in my next sneeze. 🤧
Painting. I don’t show my paintings to others. Can it be accounted as a hidden talent? 🤔😁
We need to see your paintings to ascertain talent lol
I'm an outstanding whistler.
True story - during the covid lockdowns, which were particularly awful in the hellhole that I used to live in, I was whistling a tune (Cole Porter, I think) while biking slowly in a park. A lady came up to me (masked, unfortunately) and told me how beautiful it was, and how much it meant to her.
I can cook very tasty and healthy food.
I can clap with one hand
Double joined elbows. Was useful in wrestling
And judo or jujitsu
I used to be trained to sing soprano
Wow 😮
I can imitate the sound of a bitcoin miner. Can’t tell you how tough.
I've always been very good at strength sports.
oh a hidden talent, I could always think about drawing since I was a child I was very good at drawing, I used to spend hours in my room or any corner, drawing and creating stories in my head! then I went to school 🏫 and they killed my creativity, I grew up I stopped drawing and dedicated myself to working, and when I realized that university was not taking me anywhere, or at least not in the direction I wanted, and I just wanted navigate freely through life. I dedicated myself to working and being one more aimless person, until 2020 arrived and I met Bitcoin in 2021! I woke up to the real possibilities that were within my reach. and today I am trying to teach my daughter to draw, since like every child it is a fun activity to do and spend time together and it helps me keep us together.
I'm an excellent grocery bagger.
Instant cart carpenter lol
There's a lot to know, optimizing space in bags is an art. Being able to take everything with as few bags as possible without crushing the bread is ideal. @k00bWife must love your talent for this 🤠
I think my hidden talent is building relationships with people!
I've always had a knack for networking, connecting with others & meeting new people!
I'm not really an extrovert - but I am good at finding common ground and building others up.
I’m terrible at networking
Definitely hurt my career trajectory
I noticed I'm very good at finding information or Research if it's important enough.
lol, lots of vegans are going to hate me- but if they took the vax and then told others to take it- They're walking contradictions and encouraged to kill horseshoe crabs. Because often after being drained and released they end up dying. In America, crab blood remains vital for drug- and vaccine-making
Teaching. I excel at conveying information to many types of audiences.
And minding my business. Minding your business is free and pay people no mind.
one of my hidden talent is i can work for 48h straight, and i mostly remember where i met people or know if a person is around on matter where they may be hiding through their cologne
You should put the video up so we can watch, too. My hidden talent...it has to be able to do very hard jigsaw puzzles.
i think i have the ability to understand things just by looking at it, and i can tell a person next action or intention just by observe them for few seconds
Jedi mind tricks.
I can make fart noise with my hands
Freestyle rap... Funny how all this kids watch me when I sneek in, i am with a long grey beard :-p
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