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There you go. I don't know what everyone was worried about. It reminds me of the dumbing down of the SATs.
All US banks are clear now for next 6 months ... after these 6 months? Will they do another assessment?
These aren't banks but kids who need to sit in regular tests!!
It's all for show. I'm sure no one at the banks give it a second thought.
You're right. No second thought at the banks. But I see they plan such things to regain people's faith. Now test results won't help. I mean nothing will help themmm..
Did the hypothetical downturn include their inevitable bailouts?
Probably. This is such a ridiculous waste of time and money. Imagine if they all failed, or if even one institution failed? Market chaos.
When the river sounds... It is because it carries water, if they are saying that the big banks would withstand a hypothetical recession, it is because they are seeing it on the horizon.
Wow! The results are as expected! All passed!
The big debate late in the middle ages was how many angels that could fit on the head of a pin.
I bet they too had ways of checking that those were all fully qualified, genuine angels ;-)
How would they pass? Just by printing more money?
It's all a fantasy.
I know for a fact if there is a bank run, they wont survive. They will close their doors.
phew, glad I can hear it directly from the states propaganda mouthpiece - CNBC
Regarding the dumbing down of SAT, scores for black and brown students didn’t increase. Shocking result
Just to be clear. I wasn't talking about race. The test has simply gotten easier and easier over the past 50 years.
Not only easier, it isnt even needed. Its only needed for the nobodies. All it takes is a little bribe and you can get into whichever school you like.
All of the numbers used in this hypothetical analysis are pointless. The unemployment rate is a flawed statistic omitting those "not looking for a job" and real estate is in a worse bubble than it was in the lead-up to the 2008 financial crisis. The talking heads all said that things were fine then as well, and we all know how that turned out.
You can also be sure that in the event that "five large hedge funds implode, and the banks stand to lose $70-85 Billion", the government will be more than willing to provide them bailout money.
Funds are safe. Trust me bro.
It could be the reason why Powell is so cautious about rate cuts.
It reminds me of 2008
They always pass a stress test before they go under and beg for mercy