I'm not a parent, not already. But, I had an opportunity to bring up my niece. Now she is 8 and many of her past habits/activities either gone or slowly diminishing forever. I, being her favourite 'Ma-Ma' as she is my sister's daughter, she doesn't seem to have changed a lot, not to me. So, no loses. She still complains about everyone to me as she has been ever since. You'd be surprised, very recently she asked me to buy her a Lambo (toy) because her mom (my sister) just denied her by saying that she shouldn't ask for these things, she is now grown up. I told her not to be sad and promised her to buy a real Lambo when she can really drive one. As soon as I promised, her kiddish talkative self was arisen.
"Mama, you know why I want Lambo. It's the best car. It's the most speedy one. It runs at 3000 miles an hour. Doors don't open sideways. But I want the 1970 model of Lambo. Google it, I want to show you which one I want."
After half an hour of discussion or filtering out, she finalised a 'huracan' of green color.
Maybe after another 5 or 10 years, she won't remember all of this. But how can I not?
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lol! Where does she get her love of Lambo from?
There's a big 65 inches Sony 4k screen for viewing and playing some racing games... She may be incorrect about speeds or costs of these cars but she knows more names of brands and models than anyone...