I try not to dwell on the little things I will never get to do again as relates to my kids growing up. Time flies and we move from one stage of development to the next. This is why I tell people to relish every moment and frame things as "I get to do this". I never turn down one more chance to carry my daughter up or down the stairs when she asks even though she doesn't need it anymore. She knows I love to do it and I know my time getting to do it is waning, so I enjoy every chance I get.
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Very healthy attitude you have
I do the best I can.
Carry her more while you still can. Soon she will grow to be too tall and too heavy for you to carry. I think the last time I carried my daughter was back in 2019 when she was 8. She is turning 13 this year, is already taller than my wife, and I have not carried her for a very long time. Instead of letting me carry her, she arm wrestles me, haha.
My son who is turning 14 in a few weeks is already taller than my wife so I hear you. Enjoying all the little things I still get to share with my little one.