Good (first) look at the behind-the-scenes stuff that led to this (I'm sure there will be more in the next few weeks).
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Man, he looks so pale. Did they keep him in a dungeon?
Prisons are inherently inhumane places, and I'm guessing he didn't get nearly enough time outside.
It's highly probable he hasn't been in prison, but rather witness protection, and who you see in public is a body double. This is a slow roll of DECLAS for the media.
If patriots weren't in control he'd be under the jail. Few.
You think they paraded a double around? I dont think they put in that much effort.
In the grand scheme of all that is fake, a mask and an actor is very low effort.
Hell, they literally show you a sound stage mocked up as the whitehouse with the look-alike of a dead senator playing president.
Protecting a witness against the MiC that's the basis for countless FISA warrants is basic housekeeping.
RIght, that is true. He has aged quite a bit since 2010.
Wishing this man wealth and prosperity. Hopefully he can buy a Cabin in the woods away from everything.
Thanks! A link to the BBC, the experts on Assange.
The whole thing during the last decade was a sad show.
Australia definitely played it out sk clinically. Definitely one of the greatest moments of human history.
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