You should do these in a series and get a spectrum of answers for each one. It’s a lot of digest and try to respond to all of them. Here are a couple I will take a stab at.
“Is lighting the best layer 2 solution- if not what can replace it”
It is the best solution we have as of now. That doesn’t mean it will always be the best solution or the only one. I would imagine there will be a number of layer 2s and some might be better than others for different things. Maybe lighting is best for fast cheap payments but another protocol might be better for privacy etc.
“If Satoshi were revealed would that be positive or negative”
I would lean more towards negative but I think it would depend on the circumstances and who Satoshi was revealed to be. If we find out it really was Hal Finney it’s probably neutral to positive but if we find out Satoshi is a CIA creation or something like that, it definitely would be negative.
“If Satoshi dumped their coins”
I do think this would be a massive negative for Bitcoin but not catastrophic. Bitcoin could survive it but we would probably have a multi year confidence crisis. It would be ugly but not existential.
Yea - I will have to break this up into a series of posts! Content for days and days!
Great responses, I may resurface some of these - if not already discussed by other stackers. I think some people who have been in this space may even ponder this stuff sometimes. In the end, if one random person on a plane has alot of these reservations/questions - many others may as well!