Since 2017, Germany has become the problem child of the eurozone as the ifo index, which is the largest national survey of entrepreneurs, shows. With their delusional campaign against the climate apocalypse, they are the only ones who actually take this narrative seriously in its depths. They have impressively demonstrated this with their stupid abandonment of nuclear energy.
And of course this fatal energy policy had an impact on the energy market. What they don't understand in Germany, neither in the media nor in politics nor in the general public, is that relative costs and prices are decisive in competition and here Germany has put itself so far on the sidelines that the location is being de-industrialized - nobody can afford this green madness! Germans, like most Europeans, tend to be economically illiterate. This is all the more true for the state economists who canonize everything the state does in their well-supplied ivory towers.
What they also fail to understand in Germany and in large parts of the saturated North is that all their prosperity, every form of civilizational high wing, is a derivative of available energy and its rapid harnessing. Their moralizing infantile war against certain forms of energy, against consumption, against innovation and production will cost them their heads and necks.
Despite all negative economic developments Germany continues to overregulate central pillars of the economy such as the automotive industry and provoke a real panic outflow of capital (136 bio euro last year of net direct investments). Looking a little further ahead, it must be clearly stated that the depth of the crisis created by this policy will only come to light in full effect when the demographic situation of this country is revealed and materializes in the social systems and the labour market.
In order to avoid this demographic catastrophe, Germans would have to increase their innovative strength, massively increase their employment, raise the retirement age, start working earlier and generally work more. But the opposite is the case, as figures show: nobody works less in the eurozone than the Germans, the retirement age was raised for some groups a few years ago, and the social system, which is open to the whole world, stands in the way of an economic renaissance as it sanctions those who are willing to work and get their butts out of bed in the morning, while millions of people who are able to work no longer see the need to leave this luxury apparatus. Germany is digging its own grave economically these days.
It seems like the German government is incompetent in the private and public sectors.
seeing them 900 bitcoin made me realize how incompetent these heads of state are. They will buy back in at $1M+ (USD).
It all comes from these countries having anti-free market tendencies and too many rent seekers holding people back.
What do you say about this?
"Germany is deliberately pushing its economy towards stagflation".
Mmmh. To get debt and demografics under control they need inflation and growth IMO
This is all the more true for the state economists who canonize everything the state does in their well-supplied ivory towers.
This is certainly true over here, as well. The most disappointing thing about those in my profession is that they are often the only ones who actually believe regime propaganda.
although the enthusiasm for the covid propagands and the euro rescue policy, the falsified inflation figures and the rejection of Bitcoin as a lifeboat against currency devaluation among the general population had already caught my eye
It is quite impressive to be able to see the gap and differences between Europe and South America... I am in Lima, Peru and here it is the opposite: 80% of people work more than 10 hours a day... and for your retirement you must have more than 70 years... while in Germany they are doing it in that completely opposite way... and on an economic level, even if they try to hide it or not pay attention, it is costing them a lot on an economic level and clearly in the not too distant future it will take its toll...
cool, best regards to Peru from Malaga Spain. the Germans and many Europeans are eating up the hard work of their parents and grandparents. they live out of substance. the concept doesn't work in the long term
Greetings brother 👍👍👍