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GDP per capita takes the total economic output of a country in a year, and divides it by the total population, providing a measure of a country’s economic performance and living standards on a per person basis.
In this graphic, we’ve visualized GDP per capita for G7 nations, from 2019 to 2029 (forecasted). All figures come from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and are as of April 2024.
I find it really funny that neither China nor India nor Russia appear in the G7 countries, but Italy and Canada do!
It's a pertinent question. I looked up what the G7 was on Wikipedia:
The Group of Seven (G7) is an intergovernmental political and economic forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States; additionally, the European Union (EU) is a "non-enumerated member". It is organized around shared values of pluralism, liberal democracy, and representative government. G7 members are major IMF advanced economies.
Lol. Liberal democracies... yes, they love their democracy
Very interesting to see this - I like to keep in mind is the average American much better off than the average Italian (G7'r), and while I do think so - the average american doesn't have $500 to spare.