Because of the new Age some abilities like remove viewing, out of body travel or channeling re-surface, but in the Old Testament, there were mention of clairvoyance from prophets and one was able to perceive events occurring far away. Similarly, in the New Testament, Jesus is described as having an ability to perceive a place where the disciple would find plenty of fish.
In Hinduism, additional sensory channels are available to advanced yogis, including an "inner eye" that allows them to perceive distant objects or events without physically being present.
The term "remote viewing" is just the modern name for this skill, the idea of expanded sensory capabilities and psychic abilities has been present in many spiritual and religious traditions throughout history. They are just being rediscovered.
Sure! But the setup with a tasker & viewer using a code is new, and seems to make it all more accurate...
Working in teams was also maybe less common through history, but who knows!
And yeah, in the end these are completely natural abilities :-)