This is undoubtedly real, and represents a key aspect of the old, natural instincts that I claim will have to inform the new, technocratic or Bitcoin formed future...
I'll get around to this in a detailed way later, right now I'm just wondering if you're aware of its existence, and if so what are your thoughts around it? :-)
170 sats \ 0 replies \ @398ja 24 Jun
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence...
251 sats \ 4 replies \ @OC 24 Jun
You've no doubt heard about Ingo Swann. He's written a few books, one is called Penetration. He details his experiences with secretive gov. Agencies and viewing the dark side of the moon and the structures he found. Intel agencies have long known about psi abilities.
There is a group called 'future forecasting group' that do regular remote viewing sessions, usually behind a paywall. They have predicted various things. They have all predicted something called a 'luminosity event' in the future, which will be a massive global event, no date. I realize it sounds a bit nebulous but that's the nature of this work. Take it with a pinch of salt
Yep, so far no time to read it, got it downloaded here already :-)
I've followed Dick Allgire & the rest of the guys since 2020, planning to buy my way in to see what is really going on soon!
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @OC 24 Jun
There is a declassified CIA document detailing a method they call 'the gateway experience' I think. It talks about how the universe is an infinite holographic fractal l of which we are a part. You might enjoy it if you can find it. Also if you've heard of Dick Allgire you might've heard of Clif High. He's very woo but you might find him interesting. He also talks about a massive event of some sort, except he gives the dates of mid July this year.
Sorry that it took a while, following up on anything regarding uncle Clif is kinda complex haha!!
I started following him maybe late 2020 or early 2021, as a first impression I disregarded a lot haha, but I totally did take on board his way of doing Big Picture thinking :-)
I've always been like that myself, so it felt natural, although I had no real outlet for discussing anything like this online or offline. These days its fortunately a bit better!
Of course I do not believe anything people tell me as is, so no, I do not think the moon is artificial... But then again I won't be surprised if that is proven in the future, that model is in there in my mind, I mean its bloody 4 decades since I heard about it for the first time ;-)
Now lets see if anything big happens in July... Might be close to invisible of course, if so it will take a few weeks or months before the BIg Picture becomes clear...
There have been historical CIA programs from what I can tell - I’ve looked at declassified documents online that talk about remote viewing Mars for instance. It seems government agencies have took seriously RV for decades.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 24 Jun
It seems government agencies have took seriously RV for decades.
Because government agencies waste your tax dollars left right and center. Remote Viewing is crackpot bullshit and the CIA wasting so much money on it was a travesty enabled by their secrecy and lack of oversight.
If you're such an expert, why don't you post at least under a nym?
Yeah the fuckers waste enormous amounts of dirty fiat, agree there, but even a blind hen sometimes finds grain!
The official story these days seems to be that once the CIA discovered that the Soviets were serious about it they basically just had to get into it ;-)
And of course its still going on, but in dark, well compartmentalized projects!
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @wilto 24 Jun
Because of the new Age some abilities like remove viewing, out of body travel or channeling re-surface, but in the Old Testament, there were mention of clairvoyance from prophets and one was able to perceive events occurring far away. Similarly, in the New Testament, Jesus is described as having an ability to perceive a place where the disciple would find plenty of fish.
In Hinduism, additional sensory channels are available to advanced yogis, including an "inner eye" that allows them to perceive distant objects or events without physically being present.
The term "remote viewing" is just the modern name for this skill, the idea of expanded sensory capabilities and psychic abilities has been present in many spiritual and religious traditions throughout history. They are just being rediscovered.
Sure! But the setup with a tasker & viewer using a code is new, and seems to make it all more accurate...
Working in teams was also maybe less common through history, but who knows!
And yeah, in the end these are completely natural abilities :-)
RV comes up a ton in in the UFO/UAP/ET topic.
I've heard a lot about it, here are some questions and thoughts:
  • what would be the best way to use RV
    • finding missing persons, rescue operations, emergencies?
  • if some people can view any place at the current time (or past/future), what does that mean for privacy
    • do we have to adjust how we use bitcoin to account for RV hackers lol?
The privacy, freedom, and sovereignty of the people of Earth is most important.
Great questions! Will try to answer based on what the serious RV community seems to agree on:
The best way to use it? There are many stories on locating missing persons, for obvious reasons that can't be done blind, it seems to default to the natural and/or trained capabilities that the viewer has. The military style seems to be more accurate, and different from the way psychics have done this through the ages, structured training should do that.
About being viewed: Actually good viewers can make a very good living if they are good at corporate jobs. Of course no one knows to what extent this is used, but I would not be surprised if its massive!
And yeah, if you're a likely target you definitely need to protect yourself! The Soviets simply placed their really sensitive sites as close to, and if possible in the middle of things like a market or a fun fair, that way there is a lot of things that can throw an inexperienced viewer off, reporting the most vibrant things from the location rather than the boring rooms hidden this way ;-)
For online projects... Maybe this is what shitcoinery is about? Cloak your project in an insane crypto project with a million insane influencooors!!
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