We owe @grayruby our gratitude. He was the winning general in the battle over territories.
The reason I was so onboard was that there were all these little tangential conversations that revealed a lot of depth in topics beyond Bitcoin. I knew we could reach new heights by fostering those discussions, even if it was just amongst the people who were already here.
Some would disagree that it was an upgrade. I was worried when I saw 50 territories pop pup in the first couple months. That's definitely not what I envisioned but as I commented to sensei the free market is sorting that out on its own.
It's definitely not the set of topics I would have expected, but that's also part of what's great about markets.
212 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 23 Jun
IIRC we had 42 territories in a couple days.
Yes it was like the big bang.
Absolutely, the Godfather of territories. He walked so we could run. 🫡
Kudos to @grayruby for his passion about sports!