Good morning stackers.
I had too much to drink last night and went to bed without doing my push ups. My streak (146 days of 100 push ups per day) has ended just like that. At least we were drinking because of a celebration, so I could say it ended on a good cause. I will continue to do daily 100 push ups, but will probably not leave a daily comments here anymore now that I've ended my streak.
In other news, check out my weekly hiking post. This week we head to the Lighthouse Loop of Wild Pacific Trail, located at Ucluelet, BC, on Vancouver Island. It is another coastal trail featuring the Pacific Ocean.
The important thing is that you beat @grayruby.
That he did.
Very important. haha.
Well done. A tremendous streak.
I have also continued my pushups but no longer post after my streak ended.
Like you said, all streaks eventually come to an end. But I really appreciate the work that was done each day, it definitely made me stronger.
One streak ends another one begins!! 💪