Expecting to see more of this kind of policy going forward. Storing one's wealth in bricks and mortar will become the risky, mediocre investment it always should have been.
We’ll see if this policy comes in place or if it’s just another politician trying to get some votes.
I do wonder if this will get past the courts….
Well, next elections to Barcelona Town Hall will be on 2027. I wonder what will happen then.
Should get a lot of young, potentially left leaning, voters supporting it. But I can’t guess what will happen next week let alone in 3-years.
Other cities who could be watching and suffer similar issues; Lisbon, Milan, Venice. And Ibiza is terrible for local workers. Depends how much of the local economy truly benefits from services like rentbnb etc I guess
It’s just a matter of time to find out. I guess that hotel owners are going to be really happy. Prices going up. Local economy receiving less tourists, less income. Not sure if they will be happy. Tourists will find another place to spend their time and money.
Wow. That is next level… wonder if Ibiza could be next..
And property capital is just ‘parked’ it’s not truly invested or helping anyone except fellow speculators.