I believe that we are being kept in the dark (not for the first or last time). His experience reminds me of "The Skinwalker ranch" TV show. If you didn't watch it, I recommend it if you are UFO "freak" or simply just interested. Robert Bigelow along the government (Bigelow Aerospace) had this ranch for 20 years and then simply sold to Brandon Fugal (via Adamantium Real Estate LLC) with no strings attached? I call it BS, the government found out some new technologies and are using it now. In the show Fugal can make money by teasing people and making shows and tourist visits but he can't say everything "earth-quaky". From one side I get it, the general population is not ready to absorb everything we have encountered, they would be riots, new religions, some dumb people would probably sacrifice themselves. From the other side I think we have the right to know (ready or not) but the way the government is constructed we probably never will. The greatest excuse they will always use is "National Security" and they will classify it. I think we do have advanced tech under the lock and key, don't know how to fully use it yet, so we will pretend we have nothing. "That's my story and I'm sticking to it" :-)
I don't know that show but I'm going to have to take a look at it, I've never heard of it, and yes, I'm a fan of everything that has to do with space, UFOs, and extraterrestrials in general, on the other hand, if the government has these things, logically it's not going to say it from the rooftops, but I'm sure that they have technology that we, as mere mortals, we do not even imagine.