Vergano: Is there anything you’d say to the more general reader, like, who thinks, “Okay, well, people aren’t talking about UFOs—the government must know something,” I mean, like, who maybe are maybe more amenable to, like, a reasonable argument?
Kirkpatrick: Well, what I would say is that the government spends a lot of time and effort developing advanced technology for a variety of reasons. Some of this is just people having observed things or seen things or got access to things that they shouldn’t have—that they don’t understand. And just because they don’t understand it, they seem to leap to “it must be extraterrestrial,” as opposed to, well, it could just be maybe the United States has an edge. So I would take some comfort in that.
We laid out a very clear, scientifically based plan that is being executed to do everything from calibrating our sensors and training our operators on known objects to investigating what state-of-the-art technologies are happening across the world that we may not know about or not recognize. And so my team and I put all that in place, and that’s all been executed and analyzed and done in a rational sanction.
What happens to that is where I get frustrated because where that goes beyond that—and “Does it fall on the deaf ears of these policy makers?” You know, I’ve got better things to do. So I’m hoping that once this report gets delivered, there will be an unclassified version that goes to the public that will help clear up at least some of this.
Very interesting interview with Sean Kirkpatrick, a Government's Former UFO Hunter, it is a bit long, but it is worth reading the opinions and experiences of this man working as a UFO hunter, perhaps he is not telling the whole truth, and covering up information, but it is worth taking a look.
The quoted text is a small part of the interview.
When its all private, well compartmentalized organisations that can both kill and pull fiat out of the actual government at will, is it then "the government" that is developing secret tech?
The way things are shaping up in Congress it seems to me that this fact is now dawning on the elected puppeticians... Some of them might be brave enough to keep pushing, of course leading to all sorts of psyops and disinfo being spread, but with some real stuff mixed in...
Fascinating, complex stuff!
Maybe we'll never know! But it is worth being aware of this type of issue since as you say there is truth intermingled, they are not going to throw the truth in your face, but an avid reader will know how to break down what can be true and what cannot.
I believe that we are being kept in the dark (not for the first or last time). His experience reminds me of "The Skinwalker ranch" TV show. If you didn't watch it, I recommend it if you are UFO "freak" or simply just interested. Robert Bigelow along the government (Bigelow Aerospace) had this ranch for 20 years and then simply sold to Brandon Fugal (via Adamantium Real Estate LLC) with no strings attached? I call it BS, the government found out some new technologies and are using it now. In the show Fugal can make money by teasing people and making shows and tourist visits but he can't say everything "earth-quaky". From one side I get it, the general population is not ready to absorb everything we have encountered, they would be riots, new religions, some dumb people would probably sacrifice themselves. From the other side I think we have the right to know (ready or not) but the way the government is constructed we probably never will. The greatest excuse they will always use is "National Security" and they will classify it. I think we do have advanced tech under the lock and key, don't know how to fully use it yet, so we will pretend we have nothing. "That's my story and I'm sticking to it" :-)
I don't know that show but I'm going to have to take a look at it, I've never heard of it, and yes, I'm a fan of everything that has to do with space, UFOs, and extraterrestrials in general, on the other hand, if the government has these things, logically it's not going to say it from the rooftops, but I'm sure that they have technology that we, as mere mortals, we do not even imagine.
The problem I have with this type of explanation is that UFO observations have been occurring for many decades and have been fairly consistent.
Advanced propulsion technology would have made it to the private aerospace sector by now.
Exactly, this is not something new, will they say that the sightings of the 50s and 60s were the same thing? perhaps the Roswell case too?