Absolutely agree with the need for Bitcoin Circular economies 100% -
I have some posts that resonate with this idea and creating a new incentive model that is perhaps better aligned with Bitcoin than FIAT... I find a large number of Bitcoiner's offering discounts in FIAT terms if people pay with Bitcoin....which is/was a great start...but as I sat and though about this, it always struck me as a very FIAT mindset - offering a discount to an inflated price of something.... I suggest we change this paradigm and instead offer Bitcoin users the opportunity to share in the appreciated value of their Bitcoin used for payment....
I believe this is a benefit for users that is much more in keeping with Bitcoin ethos...
When my tenants pay me rent in Bitcoin I give them 6 months (this time period could vary) after they paid to tell me when they would like to have returned to them upto 50% of any appreciated value of that paid bitcoin. There is no downside risk to them...if Bitcoin FIAT value goes down they don't owe anything additional - the option just runs out after 6 months.
I wish there was an app that allowed this to happen automatically cause right now they have to trust me to give them the credit and to have the BTC available...but I could see something like this driving adoption of BTC even quicker if it was easy...
I imagine almost every transaction you have with any business accepting Bitcoin you could have a negotiated time period and % share. It could be negotiated right on the app...right at the time of sale - quick and easy...some businesses could have their terms posted and not fluctuating and others could....larger payments could have the time frame extended and smaller transactions would have shorter time frames... you could buy your coffee and the business could offer 75% of the appreciated value for 24 or 12 hours.... or possibly 100% for 1 hour...or something (at that point it would be a marketing plan dictating the terms...it could be based on what the value of BTC is at the time, or whether the business needs FIAT to pay bills vs. BTC to save....it becomes a cash flow management plan at that point?
Again - back to your point - we (as bitcoiners) need to get out of the FIAT mindset and the FIAT Business model and quit focusing on the FIAT value of our Bitcoin and start operating like we only have Bitcoin.... a world operating on Simply Bitcoin (shameless plug to Nico and Opti) is a very different world indeed - the old FIAT business Model is broken and our Better Bitcoin one needs to be adopted - we need our incentives better aligned with Bitcoin!!!