OK so I have heard of Anchor Watch (maybe someone here knows Rob and Becca and any other there) if this is what they are providing then this was a waste...if not maybe they have interest in developing this seeing that they are already a trusted name in Bitcoin? Its anyones for the taking....just remember little ol' me :)
As I understand it - AnchorWatch is insurance for one's own Bitcoin.....and is trying to stop it from being lost?
This idea just popped into my head this morning after listening to Saylor on Robin Seyr podcast (love you Robin) :)
Basically we all start self-funding our own insurance or that of our dependents....This will really only pertain to people who don't trust themselves with their own Bitcoin as well....Or for people wanting extra peace of mind that if they did something stupid and their families BTC was lost that there would something to back up there families loss...
Let's say I give Insurance Company (IC for short) a deposit of x numbers of sats and the IC holds those sats in a multisig 2/3 wallet of which I hold 1 key, they hold 1, and 1 is held with a trusted 3rd party... Pretty simple...so far...here is where it gets fun....the value of the sats continues increasing over time....(in FIAT terms) and that FIAT value is where the IC makes their money for holding and guaranteeing access to those sats for the insured party plus an initial set-up cost....here is a break down of how the structure could work
10,000,000 sats - initial deposit FIAT value $250,000 USD - Paid at Birth of child Year 0
Years 0 - 6 - 100% of sats paid out years 7-12 - 99.5% of USD value of sats paid out years 13-18 - 99% of USD value of sats paid out Years 19-25 - 95% of usd value of sats paid out
I am not an Actuary so I have no idea what these payout charts would look like, but I imagine this could be handled by a pretty small team right now as their probably wouldn't be many people buying a plan like this...
The beauty in it - is that the it could be completely self funded but it would be fully backed sat for sat.... they IC couldn't take your premium and spend it or whatever they currently do with all that USD....??? I mean if you did a premium/guaranteed FIAT payout system that transitioned to sats...you could do something like $100,000 policy at $50.00 USD/month with a sliding scale of that payment transitioning to fully backed by sats say over 20 years? or however quickly the FIAT value of the sats allocated hits the $100,000 amount - at which time the payments could stop or one could continue collecting and increasing the size of their sats payout? It would kind of be a hybrid policy throughout the initial years? It could work with older folks as well though the premium would be higher obviously or the policy would be written for a lot less FIAT value...???
I feel like someone should run with this idea!!!!