-Would it be possible to view who send sats for a post ?
-Would it be possible to get a full details of the daily reward?
---How much you get for posts?
---How much you get for comments?
---How much you get to send sats? ...
-I ve read the guide and faqs, again. I ve viewed posts from users and I still do not understand why some gets sats for a post and some other do not ?
-Is there any limit for a user to send sats always to the same user ?
-Many times, i posted an article but it appears that a similar post has already been posted from other website ? Can it be more accurated ?
-Recently at the end of the day, i v noticed that i m spending more sats that i m earning. So would it be possible to get the balance of the day between i have earn and spend?
I know it is not easy to manage this website. Moreover it s a lot of works, inovation, .....
Thanks cause you have done and you are doing a great job.
then click oncharts
, it should be easy to determine how much money is going in and out for some unit of time.