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Today I bring you again a series of street photographs taken in San Cristobal, Táchira State. These photos portray the day-to-day life of the city where I live, a peaceful, beautiful city full of hard-working people.
I will start this post with my favorite photo, because this man carrying something looks like he is quite hardworking and the background can read "together can make it."
For me this photo reflects that it is the working people who are going to get the country out of the crisis.
A taxi stop, a man shopping at a kiosk and people talking, a photo of an ordinary day in this city.
This is what an average middle class adult in Venezuela would look like, believe me it is more common than you imagine.
I don't know what they were doing there, but I found the intrigue interesting and decided to take the photo.
A mother with her childrens.
It is very common to find these shops everywhere and they display their vegetables and fruits outside.
A mother with her son returning from school, what the child is wearing is the tipical Venezuelan school uniform.
I took this photo so that people can see that Venezuela is not desolate, you see many people on the street every day.
My attention was drawn to the old car that, even with its multiple repairs, is still in operation.
A kiosk where they sell empanadas, a typical Venezuelan breakfast BUT as you can see, the price is marked in Colombian currency because in this city most things are marked in Colombian pesos or American dollars.
Venezuelan cash is non-existent and Colombian cash and dollars are used as a replacement.
I hope that through these photos you learn something new about Venezuelan culture.
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Lovely. And I hope to see some of your street photos in colour someday
Thank you for highlighting the street beauty of my beautiful country.
More awesome shots, I like the first one as well!
Nice photos! As an american - I would like to go one day once conditions improve.
i know you will enjoy this country!