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It didn’t take long for the BMM preorders to sell out. US went first, then EU shortly after. Anyone here get one?
It seems better value for money. But apparently they are requiring KYC.
I’d love to hear a solution to buy something online and have it shipped to you without revealing your identity
...which makes requiring additional KYC truly absurd.
FWIW I tried to buy one in person at their booth in Hong Kong and they wouldn't let me. Though in fairness they said they only had three with them.
Maybe this shop doesn't require that? https://mineshop.eu/avalon-nano-3/
shiii ! And nobody needs to know all the technical specifications. Well done!
Did they add more? It showed as sold out on my mobile, but not on desktop?
Has anyone run the math to see the payoff period of this? It is $200, but since it doesn't generate as much hash as a normal miners would it take like a year payback period?
Likely never.