Investors in what was the safest part of a loan backed by UK shopping malls are facing losses, possibly the first such impairment since the global financial crisis, according to Bank of America.
“There have been some signs of distress in the CMBS market, particularly around shopping malls, some of which haven’t really recovered from the pandemic era,” said Harjeet Lall, a securitization partner at law firm Pinsent Masons LLP. “Many malls are struggling because of reduced consumer spending and a drop in occupancy levels.”
Shopping malls are really going out of style. Even office spaces are really starting to become worthless.
Being able to buy everything you need from the internet and at a better price, who needs them? people who continue to go to shopping malls surely do so for leisure.
True, but then you have to pay shipping. If only people werent so lazy and just went to the store to pick items up.
What we've decided to do in the U.S. is turn around shopping malls, into Pickle Malls (Pickleball centers) haha.