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Fuck me running....just listened to Saylor's Bitcoin Prague 21 Rules spiel....and fuck am I pumped right now...I think he has some really good rules...All your models will be broken...he is soooooo right....the business models that sooooo many are "running" businesses on are BROKEN....they are running on a FIAT standard model
THE WAY IS BITCOIN.....THE WAY IS providing value to others...THE WAY is to be a net benefit to the network, others, the world, whatever...Bitcoin doesn't care what you believe, how you live, what is important to you or any of that shit...Bitcoin simply IS (tick-tock next block)
If you are trying to run a business that consumes the most value from your customers to enrich your life....Well...you might be running the most successful business in the world but if you are not aligned with Bitoin by simply being a net positive of value to the universe...your business is going to fail at some point in time. You are not operating a business aligned with the Bitcoin if you are consuming more than you produce...
HATE me later.... I want to keep going on this rant...(of course I realize I am probably also completely crazy)...
Saylor had a few other good rules...Be for Bitcoin not against FIAT....is one that resonates with me as well...this idea of mine is kind of a hybrid business model, at least for now and is one that I believe slowly and methodically over time eliminates FIAT from the economy eventually but for now we have to build businesses that incorporate both FIAT and Bitcoin...remember everythings value is trending toward zero when priced in Bitcoin...right...if that is a true statement, than the opposite of that is also true, right?? Everythings value increases in FIAT terms when viewed priced in FIAT. The kicker or the rub here is that the FIAT system is inflationary in order to make this work and the Bitcoin system is deflationary (I am not 100% sure about this and I am sure someone will straighten me out).
Our business models are broken...just think about it...I believe our business models of maximizing profits are broken...On a bitcoin standard the best performing businesses are going to be the ones that provide the most value to their customer...the businesses that provide the most value are not the businesses that charge the most or have the best margins...or whatever the hell you want to call it....the best businesses will provide the most value or will have the smallest markups...its the idea of getting a penny from a billion people vs. 1000 pennies from 1000 people...I don't remember who said it...maybe it was Jeff Booth?
  • abundance in money leads to scarcity in goods/services while scarcity in money leads to abundance in everything else while.... whoever said it...I think this is kind of the same thing...
  • trying to extract the most from the most leads to mediocrity while trying to extract the least from the most will lead to exceptionality....
If my buildings value continues to trend towards zero in Bitcoin terms and I am utilizing Bitcoin as the reserve asset to back my building then I will at some future point have taken in more bitcoin than it is worth in FIAT value....at that point I will be able to start reducing my rental rates in both Bitcoin and FIAT terms and that will make me a better business than anyone else not utilizing Bitcoin.....READ THAT AGAIN AND AGAIN....!!!! It is so important....this will work this way for absolutely any other business as well....IF you are saving your businesses profits in Bitcoin then you will reach the tipping point where you become able to reduce your prices lower than your competition....what happens when that happens...those businesses not operating on the Bitcoin Model will have no choice but to sell, or if their owner has a lot of FIAT value somewhere to dump into Bitcoin at that time they may be able to keep up with your new business model....they may be able to stop you from taking all their customers....
This is basically Saylors playbook....right....take your profits and buy bitcoin....bitcoin price goes up and more people invest in your products/services your profits go up and you buy more bitcoin....

That is basically the end of the majority of my rant....next will be onto the Property Management thingy...and the financing

“ If my buildings value continues to trend towards zero in Bitcoin terms and I am utilizing Bitcoin as the reserve asset to back my building then I will at some future point have taken in more bitcoin than it is worth in FIAT value....at that point I will be able to start reducing my rental rates in both Bitcoin and FIAT terms and that will make me a better business than anyone else not utilizing Bitcoin”
This is great. I made a post one time about using bitcoin as a leverage point in business and we had a discussion around that. This is a great example of the kind of thing I was thinking about.
Right on!
I just keep thinking - when it reaches the point where the Bitcoin is valued higher than the FIAT value it becomes a self-sufficient cycle....even when the FIAT system becomes trivial or non-existent....the value of Bitcoin will continue increasing (as long as BTC remains secure and decentralized) which will allow for me to hold less and less BTC in reserve...and that also allows me to continue to reduce rents in BTC value forever....
This is just such a game changer....
The businesses that adopt and integrate the Bitcoin System into their operations are simply going win...and the ones that really, really put it to use in this manner are going to win even more :)