What is up All,
What are your thoughts on Javier Milei's recent commentary regarding the free market of currencies? It seems like Bitcoin, Silver, Gold - whatever people want to use as a currency is allowed without government decree or taxes.
I think this is a perfect case to see Bitcoin play out. I have a hunch a large number of transactions will take place over pesos, dollars, and other commodities.
What do you think could be done to see Bitcoin grow organically? Historically Argentina was pretty opposed to Bitcoin so there aren't that many large communities (like we see in Costa Rica Bitcoin Jungle, Bitcoin Beach El Salvador & Lago De Bitcoin in Guatemala).
It will be interesting to study and see Gresham's law play out in real-time. What other things could be done to organically see Argentina leverage this as their number one asset? If you'd like, check out the podcast I created yesterday on this topic surrounding Javier Milei and the free market of currencies. Thanks all!